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Don't mind this. It's so that free readers can't see half the chapter.

I can't remember if I've shown the cover or not, but here is the cover for Eternal Winter's Reign book 2:


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Alexander North

A couple weeks pass as the three of us settle into a routine. One consisting of spending one day with me hunting alone, followed by two days of me hunting together with them. Going from one nest to another, clearing them all out as more nests appear in their place. And from time to time we search through the capital as well for frozen ones to deal with.

Over the course of the weeks, I end up raising my stats a decent bit as well.

I smile as I finish absorbing another crystal. Giving me yet another ability.

Terminal, please show my analysis.

/ Current Analysis of user Alexander North \

Strength: 12.61
Agility: 12.53
Reflexes: 11.87
Constitution: 12.31
Immunity: ???
Senses: 11.88
Energy: 24.1/32.5

Abilities: Cold Energy Claws, Cold Diffusion, Thermal Vision, Cold Energy Arcs, Cold Blood, Cold Energy Absorption, Cold Immunity, Cold Burst, Frost Spike, Frozen Wings

Body Malfunctions: N/A
Error: Cannot determine Immunity of user’s current species without the user getting sick to collect data.
The average of a human being without a symbiont is a 1 across all stats except for Energy.
The Energy statistic is determined with a 1 being set as the user’s original starting statistic for Energy.

\End of Analysis/

Overall, I got some pretty good abilities. Although of the nests I hunted on my own, I only ate the larger crystals. The other ones I gave to Alexia just to keep her safe.

As for this most recent ability…

Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

I glance behind me, but I don’t see anything changing right now.

Hey, terminal, are you sure you’re correct about this ability’s analysis? Frozen Wings?

Because I don’t-

My eyes widen as I let out a grunt and fall to my knees in this frost-coated cavern. Meanwhile I feel a mixture of itchiness and pain shooting from around my shoulder blades in my back. Pain that only grows worse and worse by the second as I feel something trying to grow from my back only to be stabbing into my armor and not getting anywhere.

I hurry to take off the top of my armor, leaving me in just a shirt without any armor over my torso. Then something shoots through said shirt, tearing it apart as I shout out in pain and fall down to the ground face-first.

And after that, all of the pain vanishes without a trace. Leaving me shirtless in the cavern while panting on the ground.

After a few seconds, I push myself up to a sitting position before glancing behind myself.

At which point I find two wings stretching from my back.


|This unit’s analysis was correct. You have gained the ability Frozen Wings.|

I scowl at the air in front of me.

Yeah. I can tell.

A few seconds pass without the terminal saying anything, so I just sigh and refocus on my wings. The wings are completely made out of ice despite me somehow feeling them as if they were part of my body. They have pale blue glowing veins running through them and look like the wings of a dragon in fiction.


Although, kind of annoying.

I frown.

So, terminal. Is there any way to get rid of an ability?

|That is impossible. The ability is etched into your DNA itself upon eating the crystal and cannot be removed.|

Guess I’m gonna have to get used to these wings.

I’m also going to have to get a different wardrobe.

One with holes for the wings.

Because without them, I’m gonna be stuck walking around shirtless.

I let out a sigh at that thought.

This is going to be annoying. Just where am I going to get someone who can sew like that? It’s not like there are storekeepers around selling shirts like that.

And the stores with clothes left in the capital that were abandoned have all either been looted, or, more obviously, won’t have holes for wings in them.

I lean down, rubbing my temples. Then I stand up, feeling a little awkward due to my altered center of gravity.

Looks like my clothing problem isn’t the only one that I’m going to have to get used to.

But… on the bright side…

Terminal, will I be able to fly with these wings?

|100% certainty requires more data, however, it is assumed based on the structure of the wings and the rest of your body that it is possible to fly with them.|

That’s good, then.

It will help me at the end of the day. Because flight is always useful.

Cold Burst and Frost Spike are rather self-explanatory abilities, though.

Cold Burst lets me send out a wave of cold energy in a burst around me. One that freezes things and sends them flying like an explosion.

Meanwhile Frost Spike lets me grow a spike of ice anywhere on my body that I can use to attack with. And I can retract it too.

Both useful. Although nowhere near as good as Cold Immunity is.

I spend several minutes trying to adjust to my new wings, only to find it to be rather difficult. And not something I can really do in just a few minutes.

At the same time, though, if I end up in danger while not used to these wings on my trip back home… even if that’s not too likely. Considering how most frozen ones avoid the hell out of me.

Guess I’ll be a bit late today.

As I gradually begin to get used to my new wings, I think about the many abilities Alexia has gotten in this time. None of which are as powerful as Cold Immunity, but many of which are still very useful.

She also seems to have a lot more ranged abilities than I have.

Not that I’m complaining. Ranged abilities means she will be further away and therefore safer.

I smile at that thought as I continue trying to adjust to my wings. Only to frown when I trip and fall flat on my face again.

Right. This might take a while.



Thanks for the chapter! based on context I think `Strength: 1261` should be `12.61`