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Year 2850 | Month 12 | Day 25

The next day I find myself alone in a meeting room with just Claire and Benjamin by my side, and a large screen at one end of the room displaying various videos. Each of which show a noble of the Kingdom of the Fallen. And it honestly feels like all of their attention is focused on me rather than each other, despite us being in a group call. Making it impossible to really tell who they’re focused on.

“As of this morning, we have received word of a unilateral agreement signed by every faction of this war other than our own Kingdom,” Duke Elmwood states while staring at the screen with a rather hard to decipher face. He has the same brown hair as his daughter, except with hints of a vivid green spread through it. His eyes are that same color of green instead of her brown eyes, and they glow ever so slightly. Clearly displaying how powerful his understanding of nature magic is.

Duke Stretarious scoffs at that, the man rolling his eyes in the process as his long black hair falls over his shoulder. But he doesn’t say anything, the Class B earth magician not generally being one to speak. Even if he has no problems scoffing or displaying his irritation.

“Just like the damned Republic to not even consider us in the negotiations,” Marchioness Solar says as the woman leans with her head resting on her elbow, her elbow on a table. Meanwhile she has a lazy yet irritated look on the Class B light magician’s face. “What was in the agreement?”

Duke Elmwood’s eyes narrow ever so slightly. Just barely noticeable. Then he answers, “All combat during this multi-faction war will be fought on the lands of the Kingdom of the Fallen, and the winner at the end of the conflict will take control of all territory belonging to the losers of the conflict.”


I stare incredulously at the screen as Claire begins writing this down.

“Additionally, the losers will be determined by two different deciding factors,” the duke continues, still without showing any expression on his face. “Either the faction’s leader is killed or captured, or seventy-five percent of their forces are eliminated. With their leaders being the Class S magician leading their faction during the war.”

Chaos immediately breaks out amongst the nobles as they all start talking at once. But I just look down while rubbing my chin.

Two ways to win. Through war or through single combat between the designated leaders.

And it’s obvious who ‘our’ leader is, since there’s only a single Class S magician in the Kingdom of the Fallen.

The skeleton.

At the very least we don’t have to worry about the skeleton getting killed. Something many of the nobles are talking about. How their king can’t die. What with him being a death magic magician at Class S.

It’s just not possible unless he were to completely run out of mana entirely. Which isn’t possible unless he wants it to happen.

His regeneration as a Class S magician is too great.

As for seventy-five percent of our forces… our numbers are far fewer than the nations on the mainland. So this condition won’t work out well for us. Not well at all.

They need to kill far fewer of us than we need of them.

The only benefit we have is that they’re probably still gonna be focusing on fighting between themselves rather than us. Since we’re the small fry here. The ones with far less unity and power. Far fewer forces. And far less resources and inferior technology.

Which should make for some great ambush opportunities.

And there’s no point in hiding my immortality. Not when they can find out from any random Joe in the Kingdom of the Fallen. Considering that I’m considered the prince of this nation by some, including the king of the nation.

An announcement that wasn’t exactly a private one.

Especially in the Outer Ring apparently.

The nobles all continue talking amongst themselves, without much progress being made. But none of them actually leave the call despite some of them looking rather angry.

I’m honestly a little impressed by that.

The nobles of the Kingdom of the Fallen have never gotten along with each other for as long as I’ve been here. And that’s without me even knowing every noble by name. Just the more important ones.

Although now that I’m interacting with them all, I should spend more time gathering intel on all of them.

On a different note, there are twenty eight total nobles not including myself amongst these nobles. However, of the twenty eight screens, five are currently blacked out with no one shown on them.

The five barons I’ve killed, including Cedric who I killed with my brute force strength, that poison affinity guy who was killed by the destruction affinity magician, and the other three killed in the war I just finished not long ago.

None of the other nobles seem to care about their absence though. Which is saying something.

Actually, speaking of the destruction affinity magician…

I glance at her screen, finding Rachel to be lounging around on a sofa lying on her front with her face in her arms on the armrest of the sofa. And she doesn’t seem to be paying even the slightest bit of attention to what is being said. Other than clearly enjoying the chaos going on, judging by her smile and how she’s just tilting her head back and forth.

Then there’s Baron Crimson. Val Crimson.

He’s… just casually sitting there drinking some wine.

Yeah, he’s probably just waiting for people to actually get serious instead of throwing out random shouts and complaints.

I glance at Duke Elmwood to find him staring blankly at the screen without saying a word, once again with an unreadable expression on his face. Which I can’t help but compare to his daughter’s usually calm expression.

She isn’t the same in any way, but she definitely has some traces of that expression in her. Even if she does show happiness unlike this guy from what I’ve seen.

I glance at Claire to find her writing down everything everyone is saying just for future note. In case they say something important or that they shouldn’t. Meanwhile my general is just frowning at the screen.

This is going to be a long meeting…


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