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All across the Mainland
Year 2850 | Month 12 | Day 24

Everyone on the continent, regardless of what nation they are from, stops whatever they were doing when various sirens echo out across the continent. Each belonging to different nations.

After the sirens, the words of the leaders of each nation, along with the words of the Class S magicians leading the rebellions for the nations, echo out at once.

All of their words vary, but each one directly declares the rediscovery of the Kingdom of the Fallen, which had stayed hidden for all these years while building itself back up. Proving itself to not be the wasteland everyone believed it to be.

Then one nation after another declares war on the newly rediscovered nation of the Dead King, whose name was declared along with the nation. The King of the Dead. King of the former Kingdom of Giese, and current King of the Kingdom of the Fallen.

The only Class S death magician in the world. Possibly the only death magician in the world.

And the bane of the Republic, who fought to a standstill with several other Class S magicians in the old war many years ago.

Adalwolf Giese.

But very few of the citizens or soldiers are happy about the news.

Because war has been spreading across the continent, causing chaos one turn after another for years. Entire nations have been split into factions, Class S magicians abandoning their own nations for better treatment, and even leaders of nations being assassinated. With the civilians and conscripted soldiers being sacrificed as pawns throughout the process. Drastically decreasing the population of the various nations.

And now another participant of the war has just arrived, bringing further chaos. Further war. And further death.

So the people push back against the declaration of war. Even if it is a war against the Dead King.

And despite the magicians usual treatment of the people, the push back grows so great in force that the leaders of every power gather together within the Council Chambers of the Republic. A place that is still cracked all over from Leodmir’s past visits.

There the leaders all form an agreement to appease the rebelling citizens. One without the participation of the Kingdom of the Fallen or the Dead King.

An agreement stating that the war between the nations will take place within the Kingdom of the Fallen.

One to ban all fighting on the mainland itself, keeping the non-conscripted citizens safe.

All of the factions will fight on the smaller continent, and each faction will be eliminated either when 75% of their forces are eliminated or their designated Class S leader is killed or captured.

The leader of the Class S magician faction, Leodmir Archeron.

The leader of the Republic’s faction, Artorius Hunter.

The leader of the Kingdom of the Fallen faction, Adalwolf Giese.

And various smaller leaders of the other nations which had split off from the original alliance with the Republic.

Edgar Brodnax, leader of the Collective Kingdoms.

Leopold Houk, leader of the nation of Entaria.

Juan Sequani, leader of the nation of Natra.

And Emma Sonnen, leader of the White Kingdom.

Leaving the other nations to join hands with the Republic or the Class S magician faction, or remaining entirely neutral in the case of the nation of Hardlight. The nation led by the greatest healer on the mainland.

And when the war comes to an end, according to the agreement, all remaining nations will join together under the command of the winning nation.

This agreement satisfies the people of the nations enough that the rebellions slow to a crawl, leaving the remaining rebellions squashed ruthlessly by the magicians. And soon enough, the various nations all send their forces out in droves to the Kingdom of the Fallen. Whether through teleportation straight to the shores in the case of the Class S magician faction, or through battleships. Each nation sends out their armies in full force.

And the moment they arrive, they’re faced with a large cloud of miasma spreading out across the shores, somehow not harming the battleships already located there from the Kingdom of the Fallen. Nor the people on board the battleships.

Before the mainland nations attempt to fight each other though, they each try to build a solid foundation on the Kingdom of the Fallen. Try to set up a home base for themselves.

So they all attack from different directions, clashing directly with the Kingdom of the Fallen’s forces.

But none of them other than the Republic and the Class S magician faction manage to break through into the small continent itself. Instead being held back by the forces of the Dead King.

Meanwhile seers from other continents take notice of the battle and watch. None of them acting in any way, but none of them taking their gazes away from the war either.

Because this war will affect the entire balance of the world, as whoever wins will take over the two continents. But not without growing weak from the aftermath first.

And if the Kingdom of the Fallen were to win the war, then the other continents may decide to stop ignoring the continents entirely. Since the grudge they have is not against the Kingdom.

It’s against the Republic.

In one of the battleships controlled by the Republic, a single team of magicians can be seen. Amongst this team are four women and two men. All, with the exception of the academy instructor leading the team, twenty years of age and wearing uniforms from the Arcadian Republic’s military given out to students of the Arcadian Academy acting fulltime as soldiers.

Uniforms with powerful protection enchantments on them.

The magicians consist of a fire affinity magician, a lightning specialization magician, a water affinity magician, a poison affinity magician, a gravity affinity magician, and a shadow specialized magician. And of these six people, none of them are pleased to be there. And all of them are under the command of the Healer General of the Arcadian Republic’s military.

And they’re currently landing on the continent.

Landing in the Kingdom of the Fallen.


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