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Year 2850 | Month 12 | Day 18

Alright, so that worked out rather well. Even if the spell still misfired in the end.

It was supposed to be an instant explosion, and it wasn’t supposed to have any death flames in the explosion. Although I should probably make it so that it does.

But the death flames and miasma mixed a bit in that explosion and lessened the effect.

Probably would’ve killed that baron asshole if that didn’t happen.

Both with the delay and the weaker blast.

If either didn’t happen he’d be dead.

And that’s not all. There was supposed to be a spot that I inputted into the spell that would be left alone by the resulting blast. One meant for a certain fire magic using baron.

But that spot didn’t exist. If I had to guess it was messed up when my brain went caput right after the spell was cast.

Probably for the best that I forgot to mention this spot to the baron. Otherwise he might be in a rather unpleasant situation right now.

He ran for the hills at least.

I glance at the cliff to find him still laughing while standing right at the bottom of it, not too far out of the edge of the blast.

Literally, by the looks of it. Sorta.

Cliffs count as hills, right? They do. I’ve decided they do so that the metaphor works one way or another.

Anyways, Baron Cavendish looks genuinely afraid now as I meet his gaze again, having just put my clothes back on. Meanwhile gunfire continues echoing from above us from one cliff to the other. Although most of the shots are being fired by my forces, since the barons’ forces are all in chaos.

Whether it’s due to the betrayal from Baron Crimson’s forces and the baron himself, with his forces shooting at their own, or due to the traps set up across their cliff that took out their artillery. The enemies just aren’t in shape to attack.

Then there’s the fact that Baroness Helmuth is dead. Something that surprised even me.

Wasn’t expecting Baron Crimson to take advantage of their initial surprise to off one of the others. Or rather, wasn’t expecting him to be able to off them. Since an illusion magician – from what I’ve heard – is generally a pain to deal with.

Many of them like to set up illusions over themselves to alter their visible location or visible form and make attacks miss due to it. The stronger ones even tend to make fake illusion copies of themselves. But from what I’ve heard, those are very hard to program as a spell. Since they need to make a perfect illusion of themselves and have it completely consistent, never glitching out or vanishing, and being level perfectly with the ground and with its animations.

That’s also not considering the distance factor, where the magician has to be close enough to activate and keep the spell activated. There’s the issue that the further away they are the harder and more mana intensive it is to keep up the perfect copy, and their spell circle itself if flashy and hard to hide, which makes the illusion kinda pointless.

So they have to be strong and skilled enough to be far away while the illusion is up. Not to mention have enough mana to keep the spell up at that distance.

Overall, most can’t do it. Only a Class S would be able to.

But no magician can fake a mind. Making Tier VI spells their weakness.

I just didn’t realize he had a Tier VI fire spell. Not many fire magicians can make one.

Makes me want his help when making one later on.

Anyways, I look up at the cliff to find rather large spell circles beginning to form. Including a purple one and a black and white one. No doubt originating from the poison affinity magician and the soul magician. The two nobles who didn’t participate in the contract signing.

I’m glad I thought to put that contract in my storage device, now that I think about it.

Along with the soul spell, all of the dead soldiers on both sides of the war begin to rise, with the dead on my side of the valley attacking my soldiers. Meanwhile the dead on their side jump down into the valley and then begin charging towards my side.

Well that’s annoying but to be expected from a necromancer baroness.

On the other hand, the poison spell circle is making large waves of poison flood out straight towards my forces. But the magicians on my side manage to erect barriers to block it, sending them into the valley.

I narrow my eyes at the many attacks, some of which targeting Crimson’s forces and others attacking my own. Then I spread both my arms out and begin to make spell circles of my own.

It’s clear what the remaining barons’ objectives are. They’re targeting my forces and are no doubt trying to isolate me. Probably so that they can attack me again at a later time without any forces on my own side then. Trying to take out any allies I may have.

My gaze turns towards Baron Cavendish, who is currently moving up onto the cliff with his metal magic making a rising platform. But it doesn’t look like he can move much on his own, even with some spells making a metal brace for his partially dead legs.

Then I focus on the several spell circles I’ve been making before raising both of my hands and clapping them together, merging all of the spell circles into one and amplifying the effect of the spell.

This guy has been a major pain for long enough.

The man in question turns his gaze to me right as I narrow my eyes and activate the spell.

Making all of the spell circles spin a few times while activating, the scripts running at breakneck speeds while thick waves of black flame shoot straight out of them to blast into the cliff right where the baron is.

Wiping him from existence in one fell swoop.


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