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                     The Valley
Year 2850 | Month 12 | Day 18

"TRAITOR!” Henry shouts, feeling overwhelming fury filling him from head to toe when he sees Val laughing like a maniac after burning the illusion magician to a crisp using a trap to keep her contained. And he recognized the particular spell he used, since it’s a spell Val is largely known for. The only fire magic spell that affects the mind amongst every magician within the Kingdom of the Fallen.

It was the spell he was going to be using on the Undying Magician during the plan.

And it’s one of the few spells that cannot be falsified by illusions, because an illusion cannot mimic a human mind.

Henry quickly turns to look at the cliffs as the many illusion spells across the valley and cliffs dispel themselves. Revealing dozens of artillery stations built into the side of the cliff aimed at the other side of the valley, where the Undying Magician’s soldiers are. It also reveals the thousands of soldiers scattered across the valley that were hidden, as well as the lake of blood that doesn’t seem to be having any sort of effect on the Undying Magician despite his vampiric nature.

What the hell is going on?!

He turns back around to face the Undying Magician, who dodged both of their ambush attacks and is standing on top of the cage. Then he narrows his eyes and makes a large wall of metal appear right next to himself, blocking the wave of flame that is sent at him by Val. And right after that he proceeds to send chains of metal straight at the Undying Magician, inputting his current location into the spell and making sure to use as powerful metal as he can possibly use.

The chains manage to lock onto the Undying Magician despite his attempts to flee, chaining him to the cage.

Damn everything!

Henry turns around and activates the microphone on his collar before shouting as loudly as he can, “OPEN FIRE!!! ACTIVATE THE-”

His voice is cut off when dozens of explosions echo throughout the valley. Explosions he sees clearly from his spot originating right above each and every artillery station within the valley, bringing the cliff down onto the artillery stations. Destroying the stations and killing everyone inside in mere moments.

Meanwhile the soldiers stationed above the cliffs are brought down as well, killing a large portion of the ones closest to the cliff’s edge.

Henry sees red in his rage before he turns his bloodshot eyes towards Val, who is laughing like a maniac as he blasts the metal wall Henry made with spells made entirely of explosions.

Everything… everything is going wrong… all because of Val…

The reason Henry first invited Val to join this battle was because he believed they needed a fire affinity magician to suppress the fire magic of the Undying Magician. But now, because of that decision, their entire plan has fallen apart.

Henry himself was already planning on killing half the other barons by the end of the fight himself, betraying them. But he was only going to do that after they’d already captured the Undying Magician. Not before.

For some reason Val’s attacks stop coming, leaving a strange silence filled only by the shouting and screams of soldiers on the Outer Ring side of the valley. Along with gunfire from the Inner Ring side, coming from the Undying Magician’s forces, who have already started firing.

The baron feels confused and slightly disturbed by the sudden quiet, only for him to make a peek-hole in his wall for him to see through.

And what he sees only confuses him further.

The sight of Val running away towards the Inner Ring side, making distance between himself and Henry, along with the Undying Magician.

What is he doing? Is he fleeing? Did he give up on trying to take me out? But that doesn’t make any…

His thoughts trail off when he turns towards the cage, remembering the chained up Undying Magician. But what he sees surprises him.

Because the Undying Magician is currently staring straight at him with black flames bursting out of his eyes and a faint smirk on his face.

Then the black flame begins to leak from underneath his skin as well. First starting at a small amount, then it grows more and more until the man is completely on fire by the black flames.

Henry feels a chill run down his spine as he feels the heat from where he’s standing. And for some reason he feels a strong desire to run.

So he follows his instincts and begins to run far away from the caged Undying Magician. Only for a ringing sound to echo from behind him, followed by a loud explosion that rocks his ears.

And at first he feels he’s managed to avoid the explosion. But after he glances behind himself once, he spots a wave of miasma and death flames shooting out from the center of the explosion all around the cage.

A wave that is coming directly at him.

He grits his teeth and begins running even faster while pointing both of his hands behind him. And after forging a spell circle, he quickly makes bolts of metal shoot out from behind him to grant him a boost. Meanwhile he also makes bladed skates on his feet to move as fast as he possibly can away from the miasma.

But despite his efforts, the miasma and death flames chasing after him manage to lick at his heels, making him shout out in pain.

Henry grits his teeth harder and harder at the pain of his own flesh dying before he finally manages to get away, the black flames and miasma stopping right around the edge of the valley, at the cliff wall.

He then glances at the damage done and grimaces at seeing the torn apart armor on his calves and the dead flesh covering the outer parts of his skin. Even the metal plating he had created as secondary armor with a spell while running is nothing but scrap now.

Then he raises his head to find the entire valley near the explosion wiped clean of anything living as the source of the explosion dresses himself at the center of it without so much as a shred of emotion on his face.

And it’s now that the baron finally feels true fear towards the Undying Magician.


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