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Anxiety is a huge part of ADHD. My brain assumes everything is wrong (or could go wrong) ALL THE TIME. Being on high-alert all the time gets exhausting, but I can’t seem to stop.




Ooooh - this one lands big time


Yes. When your brain works so quickly it can concoct so many more scenarios than the NT brain might in the same amount of time. For me a big part of my anxiety has always been germ related so I’m in a weird place of my biggest irrational fears being confirmed daily. Sigh.


Part of indecision/prevarication/distraction. Excellent, thanks 😃


The left Radar scope is waking up rested, while the right radar scope is after looking at your email, social media or other activity causing you to find things to distract your energy. Time for your refocusing activity. Time to refocus now.


All day every day. I once took a Valium and my heart slowed down so much I thought I was dying. My dr said, no. This is what calm feels like. To me it just felt unnatural.