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Trying to learn to challenge how I’ve always viewed success/failure, but it’s a hard and slow process. (Here’s a visual of how I looked at it doe the longest time.)




Oh my god. The number of hours of therapy you’ve summed up in one drawing...

Josh Neff

The decline into old habits is so frustrating and disheartening!


Every time I see a graph of ups and downs I now think about this video I saw last year. https://youtu.be/x3EVh2jhyLM It's got a great scene with Kurt Vonnegut drawing a plot going up and down, chronicling the journey a character has. His point was that it's only looking backward that you can (maybe) spot a high/low. What felt like a low spot at the time may turn out to be a huge factor in something very positive happening. It caused me to shift my thinking to be more in the moment. I've not been at this for long, but I like living in the now, not the past, not the future. I still work hard at goals, but they don't feel so up and down anymore. They just.... are.... "Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard... .what a great quote. This comic reminds me also of another one you did about what progress looks like: https://www.adhddd.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/SelfImprovement-1.jpeg I've shown it to every student I work with. It's not just self-improvement... you've drawn progress in general. It's a fantastic graphic.