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Dang it, ADHD meds! Why you always gotta do me like that 😩



Josh Neff

One of my besties and I dubbed a shot of espresso with a Xanax chaser (to balance the "need to get stuff done" with "too much caffeine, now I'm anxious") as a "Just Can't Even."


The very first time I took ADHD meds, I took them with my morning coffee and other pills, and it was both great (my brain felt so quiet!) and terrible (my skin is vibrating off my body????) I ended up going decaf for a few months, and then was able to go back to coffee mostly. 😅


Coffee and I have a weird relationship, now. With my meds, sometimes I can drink it and just feel more focused, and sometimes I drink it and it makes me feel GROSS all day. Like, slightly sick and my heart's a little fluttery. Plus, I have found that if I drink coffee first thing, before I eat, or even with/right after breakfast, it INTENSIFIES the suppression of my appetite for the majority of the day. I can't for the life of me figure out why it does this. Anyone have any ideas?

Becca D❤️

Your comics helped me realize my meds weren't helping me as much as they used to, & I thank you for that.


After getting diagnosed at age 44, my coffee intake fell from 3 litres per day to more like 4 cups per day ...