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I needed to hear these at so many jobs. Which ones resonate with you the most?



Josh Neff

The ones about having unproductive days and my co-workers not being perfect, I need a daily prescription of those.


"Traditional corporate atmospheres were not designed to accomodate brains like yours" Except my situation is government office atmospheres or even most jobs in a capitalist society.


The one about unproductive days. I feel that so hard but then get down on myself for being lazy and procrastinating and my boss gets mad.


Definitely that i am still valued. When my manager told me that i was valued, it made even stressful days seem not as bad.


Maybe also something along the line of "we will partner you with X so you can focus on doing what you do best"? It kind of imply the "you are valued" sentiment.

Sam Howard

"You are fighting an invisible battle" hits home


The unproductive days, and sometimes things taking longer. It’s heartening to know I’m not alone on that last one. I am frequently kicking myself about things taking me longer.


It’s ok if some things take you a little longer! And also the unproductive days one, and not thinking my coworkers are perfect. I’m an engineer, and I always feel like my fellow engineers are so much better than I am. Thanks for these, really like!