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For me, ADHD results in a lot of black-or-white thinking traps. I’ll succeed, and anything less than perfect feels like a total failure. I am 100% or 0%, and I have a hard time accepting anything in between. It can make things frustrating to say the least—life is messy, and most of it is gray area. But my brain resists gray with every fiber of its being.




Every damn day. I wish I could get more comfortable with the gray.


Right?? I can’t maintain habits because breaking any streak means it’s not perfect anymore, and I immediately fall off the wagon.


Wow this is me!!! Luckily therapy and practice has helped me be more ok with some of the gray areas, but black and white thinking held me back in so many areas of my life for so long. And it still does sometimes 3


Same! I’m getting better about stuff like journaling and shooting for just doing it as often as I can, instead of putting pressure on myself to meet a number goal like 7 a week. It’s helped tremendously, and I’ve been doing it 6 months now! Usually I quit after 2 weeks 😂