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I wanted to do another pregnancy piece featuring one of my favorite Dr. Who girls and that is none other than the gorgeous Clara Oswald. 

So much potential for hyper pregnancy. I riffed on the idea with my friend Pregnant to develop some ideas and jargon on how she is getting so massively pregnant.

I am thinking something along the lines of The Tardis malfunctioning and causing her to experience multiple conceptions all at once and the rapid time growth of her babies within only a few weeks. 

Or maybe she is experiencing some Dallic gene control where due to her creation is now creating a new force of Dallic super beings inside her rapidly stretching womb.

I will develop some story dialog for this over this week and throw up some colors. Hope you preggo fans all enjoy! Also was meant to get this done by the Nov 22 but due to some RL drama I couldn't do any work on her. But working on her after my situation ended was very therapeutic. 



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