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Hi everyone.

Just a quick update. I have been feeling low on my mental health recently on top of spending time dating someone the past 3 months. Things were going great until they weren't and it has caused me to focus inward on myself and thus take a bit of a break from making art for a few weeks.

 I want to try my best to win the girl of my dreams and deal with knowing it might all blow up in my face ending with a more depressed version of myself for a while. 

I had such big hopes and maybe hoped too much.  

I have also been dealing with some lower back pain issues and a few hemorrhoids. ( wow too much information bro) which are both being seen to medically currently. So, I am dealing with some serious mental, physical and emotional stress and I thank you all for your continued support of my Patreon and artwork here. This year has flown by incredibly fast and alot has happened.

I will touch base again with you all in a week. I will try to upload projects I have had on the back burner to keep my mind busy during this difficult time but will be much reserved. 

Thank you again for understand.


Matt Ries

Take care of yourself my friend and as much time as you need to do so.


Thank you so much Fan. This time of the year can be difficult for many. I'm trying harder to be kinder to myself.


Take as much time as you need man. Just know that we support you dude.

Jay Tee

You go first, the art goes second. Life's life! Take care of yerself, bro


Yeah, take care of yourself first most importantly! We will still be here and will support you no matter what life brings you.


It’s okay dude! We want you to be happy!


Thanks everyone for the amazing comments and support. Sadly in the end, I got dumped/ we decided to end it. Im slowly healing the heart. It aint easy.