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This was supposed to be finished by the end of the latest Season which I absolutely loved! One of the best yet!

In an alternate version of the story Margery Tyrell somehow survived and the fattening of all the royal princesses and Queens had begun. Margery a fan of many pleasures consumed herself with this royal duty to prove herself and with the bountiful supply of food from her home in HighGarden she quickly gained three hundred pounds of glorious fat.

Daenerys on her conquest of Westeros must abide by all its customs and convinced by her aids and the King in the North begins gaining as much weight as possible to prove she respects Westerosi customs and traditions and eats so much she gains two hundreds on her short frame making her waddle and her belly bounce frantically when she moves.

Also just realized I messed up the spelling of Dany so many times in the making of this that I'm refusing to do anything about it.

Also who shall I draw next? Cersei? How fat?

{SPOLIER ALERT} please say spoiler alert if you want to talk about plot in the comments. I dont want anyone to miss out on such a great show.



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