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Hi guys!

If you have noticed I have made a few changes concerning Patreon Goals and Patreon Rewards. Its a bit more streamlined.

Tier 1: Access to the most basic elements of the site. Polls, text posts and finished pieces.

Tier 2: Access to Discord links and livestream sessions. Giving you early access to my work as screenshots or photos of my works in progress.

Tier 3: 5% discount on commissions when available. High quality downloads of illustrations.

Tier 4: 10% discount on commissions when available. Access to behind the scenes videos. I will editing some of my livestreams and trying to make a few tutorial type videos.

Tier 5: Removal of two tiers to make it much simpler for patrons to see what they want. Collaborate on upcoming work via Discord and have a say in certain bodyshapes and weights I draw, personalized art once a month of your choice and your name in the credits when I release my upcoming Fat Adventure Comic.

Im currently going to be have to move house again as the one I am in is being sold. I've had a busy 3 weeks with family. Lots of birthdays and social events. Now thats over, everyone has left again and I have some piece and quiet while I can figure out where I am going to live in the next few months. I was thinking of going to California for three months on a holiday visa and bringing my laptop and portable set up with me and see if I can get sponsored work there doing something. I'm not sure anyways, alot of plans in the air.

I want to also just say again how important Patreon is to me and your donations literally put the butter on my bread! I don't draw enough awesome artwork for you guys!


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