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Besides of a misunderstanding about extra Futa content - I noticed that many didn't really like my approach about the new skin texture I made for Widow. I'm always trying to improve the models like the skin, shape, clothes etc. I'm also experimenting with the whole process to "hopefully" improve the picture in generell.

My favour to ask is - if you don't like something maybe the pose, skin, clothes etc let me know write a comment or write me a private message. I'm far from being good or among the ppl with skill. But I want to improve. The best way to improve is listen to criticism - in my opinion. So don't think I might be upset or something - be straight honest with me.

Sure, 20 pictures are a lot to do. And being creative in that phase can be hard but I love being a sfm artist. I love what I'm doing and I love when you like my work - sure the money helps me to keep doing this but in the end of the day I want you to be happy with my work. It makes me proud. Thank you so much for staying and supporting me!


Valla Valhalla

There is no problem with you trying something new on a character, the real problem comes when you dont set a priority to higher tier patreons, i feel that i joined the highest possible tier to fund your work and i didnt get what i payed for, so thats a problem on your part and on how Patreon works in general, also i will ignore some fascist posts by your low tier patreons.


To be honest I have zero complaints with the way you do things and I think that what we do get is really good quality for the amount of photos you put out


I see. You have a point, perhaps I should do more wips of my projects to show what am I currently working on. And do more polls when I decide to make changes.

Valla Valhalla

Yes, and you so should also respect what you are doing in here and the characters you are using. As I said, you failed to deliver what I payed for, so before the end of the month I want the extra content available or you can refund my purchase. Also, you did ''like'' and you didn't instantly delete some trash posts like ''futa is for faggots'', that's 100% unacceptable for what you are doing in here, so if you want to continue to show disrespect I will continue asking for what I payed for. If you don't deliver or don't refund I will contact PayPal. Also, any hatred speech comment should be instantly removed by your wall as you are also responsible by what your Patreons are writing.


You are right hate comments shouldn't be tolarated doesn't matter if it's in a postive sentence to the artist or not. But you are contradicting yourself in one sentence it's fine when I try new things and suddenly I should respect the characters? Uhm, okay? Now you throw a tantrum, again? Please, you know what I give you your refund now and please leave my patreon

Valla Valhalla

I left your patreon page days ago, and as I said you didn't delete hatred speech comments but instead you left them open so others could take part in the conversation, that's UNACCEPTABLE. The money doesn't even bother me, so just keep them and don't refund, but what it does bother me is that you tolerated such behavior by some people.


They are usually princess material. You are a king

Valla Valhalla

Regarding to my opinion of your artworks in general and the latest (Nurse Widowmaker) I think that you are a very talented artist and I do enjoy your artworks very much. Regarding to trying new things, it's always better to search for new ways to draw, as art keeps improving itself. Regarding to the extra futa content, variety is always the best thing, that's why I did suggest it to you.