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Valla Valhalla

no futa ... wtf, I don't understand what's the point of asking patreons if they like something you don't add. Fucking stupid for sure. Also a very mediocre set.


Hm, maybe my english is bad or ppl don't understand what I meant by extra set. The Set with 20 pictures is considered as the normal Set. I was talking about the extra set I put Futa content to the extra set. So that means I will put futa content to the extra Widow Nurse Set which I'm currently working on.

The Chain Warden

I hate to give criticism after that previous guy was being unreasonably rude but while I think the concept and posing for this set is good I don't think I like this new model for widowmaker. I think it's the colors that look a bit strange and red lipstick doesn't really suit her also the breasts look a bit odd sticking up like gravity doesn't exist. The Mai set you did a while back was phenomenal but after that I feel the models took a turn for the worse. But after all this negativity I would just like to say you are a fantastic 3d artist and I think anyone who disagrees is a fool. Just thought I would give a little constructive feed back.

Valla Valhalla

How am i rude when im in top tier and i dont get the bonus content first while u pay less and u get it sooner, thats retarded, also i guess futa content is not popular in patreon i guess the artists in here are just in for the money and not for art

The Chain Warden

Where did you pull that idea from? Your own ass? I haven't received any bonus content. And yes you are rude when you keep bitching even after you have been clearly told that the additional content you are looking for is coming later in a separate post.


Yes, that's constructive criticism. I'm also just a human. I'm still learning and try my best. I'm always looking for criticism. That's the only way someone can improve.


You just throw a tantrum bc you exprected futa in this set. I mentioned that futa will always come with the extra set. And by the way just to throw a comment like "it's a very medicore Set" okay fine you don't like it then help me to get better instead you act like spoiled child

Valla Valhalla

The colours of the set are perfect and as it was supposed to be, I guess your ''normal critism'' guy has no clue about fantasy, my problem was and still is that we should get the extra set at least in the same timing with the normal set, I am rarely rude to people, I might was but I was disappointed.


I can understand your disappointment. You wait almost a week for this Set. Problem is the rendering time to render these pictures take more than 2hrs. I'm speaking only about the rendering time not the posing, texturing, the post work etc. I know many give a fuck about that fact but I can't do it faster. I'd like to upload the extra set along the main set but this would mean even more days to wait. That's why I post the main set first and the extra set later

Valla Valhalla

Yah, okay, there is a general problem in Patreon and it's definitely not just you, I understand your point. I won't post again for a while.


Her eyes look kinda weird but I like her body

Jolomus YT

honestly milapone its fine just take the time you need man ❤️

J Mo

Ya in all honesty screw that val valhalla guy. Your art is great. And cosigning with the chain warden everything is great except the color or shading the textures of the previous widowmaker are more your style. The edited and unedited widomaker being bad set is deff a style that represents your unique style the best. Great expirement and I appreciate you putting work out there but this color scheme or textures aren't quite you, in my humble opinion. But this widowmaker is great, different but great. I'm gonna upgrade My subscription soon as this job promotion kicks in. Keep on being awesome man.


I have a similar opinion like “The Chain warden”. I like the old widowmaker model more. I loved your widow bdsm posts (one of them is the reason why I start supporting you) and this new model does not seem to fit in a bdsm set. BUT this is just my personal opinion, you are the artist and I still love your work. To clarify: The poses in this set are cool and it’s a nice theme/setting so it isn’t bad at all. Reading the comments make me write another opinion of mine. I think especially in art that quality is more important than quantity. Please don’t see that as critic, I just wanna point out what “Jolomus YT” said; take your time and don’t get unsettled by rude guys in the internet ;) P.s.: sorry for my bad english


Hi milapone! I want to start by saying I enjoy your art so much and this set was no exception. I love the poses and how you played around with facial expression in that one photo with widow’s lips cocked to the side. I think there is a lot of room there to continue adding emotional vibes in touch or different from the actual character. Regarding the textures and facial structure, I also agree that the glossy unrealistically smooth skin is the style I really like from you. Like the Mai texture from your earlier set was just…wow! The real textured more oily look to the skin grounds the character in a different type of reality. I feel like it can work and is worth continuing to tweak but I’d like to keep some glossy stuff too. I also think with that Mai you balanced realistic facial features with the unrealistic character face proportions well. You can definitely tell she’s an Asian character but she doesn’t like “real” for lack of a better term. She still feels like a stylized character. I think this widowmakers facial feature look too real and not like a video game character. Ex, her eyes are smaller like human eyes rather than big feeling character eyes. She also looks like a young white teenager in some picks rather than a grown woman because of some of the small features. Sorry this was so long but I really hope it helps in your tweaking process. I love your current style and I hope your able to maintain certain elements as you grow


Hi Milapone. I have to agree with JTDaxter that this Widowmaker model is a step down from the previous version such as the version posted on December 11 2021. The skintone was much sexier in this work in progress model. The hair and eyes are much prettier with a better sheen/ color scheme to them. The makeup was better around the eyes and the eyebrows were a better design with the arch and blurring. It seems that you changed the facial structure as well as the breast structure from the November 29, 2021 posting of Widowmaker. While realistic works in some cases, the unrealistic version of Widowmaker is much sexier in the November 29th posting. The eye sheen does not look as scary. I would say that the blue lipstick is also much prettier on her than the red lipstick. Lowering the sheen on the skin such as the post on October 5, 2021 of her a Nun would work for this set. The November 29th version of her Fancy swimsuit body model is definitely the best upper torso, waist, face, eye, and hair model version of her. The issue I believe is the move to make her skin translucent and a different color.


Hey, sorry for the late answer. I really thank you for sharing your thoughts and critic about the work. To be honest I didn't thought that my Mai version was that good.. but it shows me enhancement on OG chars yes, but not to over do it. I really hope you are going to comment in future too when there's something you don't like :) Anyway thank you very much <3


Hey sorry for the late answer.. I'm really thankful for your honest opinion about my work and this helps me really to improve. Doesn't matter which tier you are supporting me already more than enough. Thank you so much <3