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This Adventure Pack includes:

  • 20-Page Adventure PDF
  • 4 Full-Color VTT Maps
  • 17 VTT Tokens

Strings of Power

Strings of Power is a three-part adventure series that plunges players deep into the intricate criminal underbelly of Haven, the City of Crossroads. Throughout the series, the party uncovers complex schemes, navigates dangerous alliances, and confronts the city's darkest secrets as they find themselves inexorably drawn into a clandestine shadow war for control of the city.

In this third and final adventure, the characters find themselves entangled in a covert plot orchestrated by a shadowy criminal syndicate. Guided by malevolent necromancers, the syndicate aims to seize control by unleashing an undead horde through a secret tunnel connected to a captured lighthouse. As the party journeys from a hidden lair in the sewers to the besieged lighthouse, they must race against time to thwart this nefarious scheme and prevent a battle that could consume the city.

Each adventure is designed as a stand-alone module that can be played independently of the full series. Parties can choose to tackle a single adventure for a shorter campaign or embark on the full series for a grand, city-spanning epic. Each installment builds upon the last, yet it also offers a unique and complete story arc. This design provides you with the opportunity to tailor the adventure series to your campaign needs.


The city of Haven stands as a vibrant hub of culture, trade, and politics, but its bustling streets hide a complex web of intrigue and danger. Positioned between two once-warring empires, Haven's peace has been hard-won, and beneath its thriving streets, the shadows of conflict still linger.

The Shadow Hand, a secretive smuggling ring, serves a purpose far beyond their simple criminal facade. Guided by the sinister necromancers of the Black Skull Brotherhood, they seek to reshape the entire region by striking at the heart of the Freelands. The Brotherhood's motivation is clear: to create chaos and forge a new order from the ashes, an order they alone control.

The party have already been entangled in the Shadow Hand's machinations, although they have been unaware of this truth. Through cunning manipulation, the organization used them to dismantle rival factions like the Talons gang and expose the Veiled Order. These actions have cleared the way for them to dig a secret tunnel from Starwatch Lighthouse into the city's sewers, paving the path for their undead invasion.

The plot revolves around a fleet filled with undead horrors sailing under cover of darkness to the recently captured Starwatch Lighthouse. Once a beacon of hope that guided ships into the safe harbor of Haven, it now serves as a gateway for the necromancers to attack the city from within.

The characters now stand on the brink of a race against time to thwart the Shadow Hand's vile scheme. Their journey will take them from the hidden lair within the city sewers to the towering Starwatch Lighthouse, where they must confront the undead invasion to prevent a battle for control of the city.

Explorer+ Patrons click HERE to get the Adventure PDF 

Adventurer+ patrons click HERE to get the VTT Token Pack 

Dungeon Master+ Patrons click HERE to download the Digital Map(s) 




Are the strings of powers all playable as one..or is it a sequal?


I designed them so they can be played individually with just a few changes or to be played consecutively :)


Thx for the fast reply, they look really good.