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Shadowleaf Dryads are an ominous presence in the Fey Realm, stalking its shadowy regions. In stark contrast to their more gentle counterparts, these mysterious beings form dark alliances with other malevolent fey, such as Bloodthorn Treants. Together, they safeguard corrupted territories where darkness has taken root. The Shadowleaf Dryads, with their otherworldly, ever-shifting forms, seamlessly meld into the shadows, instilling a sense of dread in those who wander into their domain.

These eerie dryads possess an array of shadowy abilities. Their most unnerving power allows them to manipulate the shadows of their enemies, causing psychic torment to those who fall under their influence. Cunning and relentless, Shadowleaf Dryads and their Bloodthorn Treant allies are a force to be reckoned with, fiercely defending their dark sanctuaries and striking down intruders with ruthless precision.

Shadow Manipulation. Shadowleaf Dryads are one with the darkness, stepping into the shadows to become invisible.

Terrifying Teamwork. These dryads often collaborate with Bloodthorn Treants, coordinating attacks and using their unique abilities to devastating effect.

Psychic Assault. Shadowleaf Dryads can torment their enemies by animating the targets' shadows, inflicting mental anguish and disorienting their victims in combat.

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