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Happy Friday!

Continuing this month's Dark Fey theme is an new adventure I wrote for issue #4 of Crucible Magazine! This adventure celebrates the 10 year anniversary of one of my personal favourite adventures, Owlbear Run by Chris Perkins. It's part of the Wrath of the Dreadlords Adventure Path, but is designed to be played independently from the series. I hope you all enjoy!

~ TJ Phoenix

Adventure Includes:

  • 35 Page Adventure PDF
  • 9 Digital Maps
  • 1 New Monster: Netherbeast

The Netherbeast Grand Prix

The Netherbeast Grand Prix is a Fifth Edition adventure for three to five characters of 6th to 8th level and optimized for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 7.

The Twilight Forest is a region in the faerie realm known for its chaotic wildlife and equally mercurial ruler, the Duchess of Twilight. Each year on Gloaming Day—the yearly equinox with equal parts of darkness and daylight—the Duchess hosts a tournament known for its outlandish competitions and rich rewards. Contestants and patrons from around the planes come to compete for the grand prize, one that consistently exceeds even the most outrageous challenges. Previous years included jousting matches on the backs of wyverns, a chess tournament with miniaturized participants, and a scavenger hunt set in the heart of a volcano.

This Gloaming Day contest is the Netherbeast Grand Prix, a daring sprint from the city of Darkthorn through the deadly Twilight Vale to Duskwood Heights—all while in a racing wagon pulled by a fierce netherbeast. The teams face unstable crevasses, bloodthirsty creatures, cutthroat competition, and patrons willing to do whatever it takes for their team to win. Not to mention that netherbeasts are known for their irritable nature and propensity for quite literally biting the hand that feeds them.

With a highly competitive field of patrons looking to sponsor the best teams, it’s anyone’s guess who will be crowned this year's champions and take home the grand prize!

Crucible Magazine is an epic magazine for Fifth Edition available in print, digital or Foundry VTT module. 

Issue 004 Includes:

  • The Netherbeast Grand Prix (7th Level): Join the thrilling Netherbeast Grand Prix in the Twilight Forest, where teams race through perilous landscapes, face treacherous terrain, ferocious creatures, and ruthless rivals. In this high-stakes contest, anything goes!
  • A Tale of Two Seers (10th Level): Embark on the quest to save Everfjord’s beloved rulers from the haunting of a chilling banshee. Help their gifted child by unraveling a dark mystery and vanquishing a time-altering menace.
  • Dragon of the Endless Dark (4th level): Delve the Deadwood and save a holy order of wood elves, corrupted by a shadow dragon. Delve into the All Tree, uncover the hidden holy relic, and thwart the Bone Order’s plans to unleash chaos.

Brand New Subclass + Spells

This issue introduces a whole new way to play your Druid, including new spells!

The Broken Circle – Druid

The druids of the Broken Circle are rebels from the norm, breaking away from the common druidic tenet of nurturing life. Instead, they concentrate on death’s cycle to bring forth new growth.

  • Conquer your fear of dying and instead, welcome Death’s Embrace to keep you or an ally alive.
  • As your studies improve, learn to combine Life and Death into each of your spells.
  • Masters of the Broken Circle can use their Revivifying Vines to create new life from a dead creature.

Supplements, Encounters, Magic Items and More!

  • The Gloam Market is a teleporting marketplace that travels through twilight from city to city, protecting its Beastfolk residents.
  • ‘Adventuring Days’ random events through the dark fey twilight realm
  • Legendary Mythic ‘K’ar-veil, Queen of the Root’ complete with stat block, back story, and tactics.
  • M’nzeeps Market of Minor Magics – Dungeon delvers won’t want to miss out on these minor magics; drop them into any game without worrying if they’ll break your campaign!

Extra Exciting Content in the Magazine

  • Outside of the playable content in the magazine, we have our 3-page graphic comic Legends Of The Freelands: The Forgotten Warrior!
  • Fully Interactive PDF
  • The PDF version of the magazine is optimized to include hyperlinks and bookmarks to make navigating the different categories as easy as possible. Any time a section, adventure area, or URL is mentioned, click the text to jump right there!
  • Downloadable Digital Assets
  • Throughout the magazine are QR codes/links for downloading digital assets to be used at the table or in your preferred Virtual Tabletop, ranging from player handouts, maps, magic items cards, and more!

Pick up your copy today!

Explorer+ Patrons click HERE to get the Adventure PDF 

Dungeon Master+ Patrons click HERE to download the VTT Ready Map Pack 




I love your stuff, and I understand cross-promotion and all. But as someone who backed Crucible, and Loot Tavern, I get less content on months like this. Do you have plans on going back to mostly original stuff, or will most of your stuff be collabs from now on? No hate or aspersion meant, I totally understand this is a business and it makes more sense to get yoru content (which is great) in front of more eyes


Hey Frank, thanks for the kind words! They're really appreciated! I also appreciate your support of Crucible, that's awesome! And good question! In the spirit of openness, last year was quite a doozy for me and after taking on Crucible, I took a pretty major loss in patrons here (lost almost half). In order to keep the lights on and food on the table (writing D&D content is my sole income), I took on some freelance writing work with folks like Loot Tavern, MonkeyDM, and some others. I'm working on regaining the numbers here so that I don't have to take on that extra work, but until then, there's only so many hours in the day and adventures that I can work on in one month, so you'll see some collabs here and there. At least all of the Crucible content is set in my setting of the Freelands and they're only every other month! :) That being said, I recently closed out some of my side work that's opened up more time for me to put towards DMTC-only content, so you will see an uptick! I have a couple things I've been working on the little free time I have that I'm hoping will get folks excited. Over the next month or so you'll start seeing more DMTC-only content as they get wrapped up. Thanks again for the support, it means the world to me! Also, feel free to jump in the discord any time and chat with me directly if there is certain content or themes you'd like to see more of!