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Orin’s Visage

Wondrous item, very rare

This expressionless wooden mask is painted with circular arcane patterns. Though it has no eye holes, the wearer can see through it as though looking through their own eyes. While wearing the mask, you make all Wisdom (Insight) and Charisma (Intimidation) checks with advantage, but all Charisma (Persuasion and Performance) checks with disadvantage. You can cast true seeing on yourself once per long rest, requiring no material components.


It is rumored that this strange mask once belonged to Orin the Archwizard, whose eyeballs melted out of his skull after reading a forbidden eldritch text. Orin quickly crafted the mask to restore his vision and used his knowledge of eldritch magic to enhance it with supernatural capability. It is further rumored that Orin later ascended to demi-godhood, and needed the mask no longer. The mask tends to invoke discomfort in those who gaze upon it.


Adventurer+ tier Patrons can grab the magic item card HERE



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