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Anubian Warrior

Anubians are reclusive jackal-headed humanoids that live in the deepest recesses of the desert. Each member of the Anubian tribe is raised within a strict warrior culture to mold them into fierce combatants. 

While their reputation as warriors is widely known, outsiders fear and distrust them due to their secretive natures. The location of their hidden city is a closely guarded secret, and while many have attempted to find them, none have ever returned.

Fearless Fighters. The Anubians believe that there is no greater accomplishment than to die bravely in battle. They do not retreat and often fight to the death, even against overwhelming odds.

Tribal Warriors. Stalwart defenders of their tribes, these warriors train to fight as a unit. While a single Anubian warrior is a challenging foe on the field of battle, a company of them can lay waste to an army three times its size.

Nomadic Mercenaries. As part of their training, Anubian warriors are often sent out into the world to seek combat experience and knowledge. They usually can be found in pairs working as caravan guards or other mercenary work.

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Any thoughts on a playable race? I have always liked the idea of a playable anthro-canine race.


Yup! Working on it for a release either this Wednesday or next, in fact! I'm also a big fan and will be building them up in the full Freelands campaign setting.