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"May the Valkyrie sing your name with love and fury so that we may hear it rise from the depths of Valhalla and know that you have taken your rightful place at the table of kings." ~ Prayer for the Fallen


The Valkyrie are women warrior angels who watch over battlefields and choose the heroes who have earned their seat in Valhalla to prepare for Ragnarok. They are both judge and executioner, deciding who lives and who dies.

Masters of combat in all its forms, the Valkyrie are the living embodiment of battle. Known for their beauty and grace, they sing the songs of war as their spears tap out the dance of death.

Holy Soldiers.  Devout followers of Ydin, the Valkyrie have the sacred duty to lead fallen warriors’ spirits to their final resting place. They carry out his orders in all things and do battle in his name.

Hidden Among Us. A Valkyrie can hide her wings and mix among mortals; they have been known to pair with mortals to strengthen their warrior bloodlines. The resulting offspring are called Nephilim and almost always make their mark on history as legendary warriors.

Immortal Nature. A Valkyrie doesn't require food, drink, or sleep.



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