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EDIT: I had to re-create this post because I forgot to allow people to vote multiple times. Sorry!

Afternoon folks,

There has been a lot of outside issues going on with me at the moment that has distracted me from SL. It's been very hard to focus and I feel like I've fallen extremely behind the last week. I won't be free again until the final week of the month. It's already the 11th, and I feel like I'm nowhere near where I want to be. I have a feeling that this update may be smaller than usual but I always say that and I always pull through in the end. Thanks for your understanding.

This update will finish Viera's Scarlet Contract and her arc. I don't think we'll be having sex with her outright like most of the other characters, but we'll see. I did a small poll on the discord to see if people would rather free Viera or Beauty, and most folks chose Viera. It made me wonder how many people would actually care to see a sex scene with characters like Beauty/Magilou who I know are not popular. Would I be wasting my time? Because there are some other characters that I know people would rather have scenes for.

This poll's question is:

1.) If you could only free ONE character: Viera or Beauty, who do you pick?

2.) How do you feel about UNPOPULAR characters having a sex scene? It'd mean more time invested on more "popular" characters.



ugh, i can't stand the way this community votes. i really don't want to have to wait for like another year of updates adding more tropey, unnecessary characters while the best girls don't get any more content. so much potential wasted.


I've been waiting for Estelle for so long I feel you