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Good morning Citizens,

This has been an extremely hectic month but we're almost done. Classes are (almost) over and I'm about 90% done with my move. I still need to drive back one last time (probably) and there are a ton of stuff to unpack, but we're finally done.

Thank you so much for being patient with me people, and I know some of you are frustrated. But for sure, I'm going full crazy into SL in May. We'll most likely have an update, probably around the end of the month and it'll be a good one (I'll try at least).

I'm sorry for the lack of information these last few weeks. Again, I've been super busy with the move (moving by myself despite being offered help lol) and classes have been hell.

Again, thank you so much for your patience and support. My body feels like shit from all this heavy carrying but I can't wait to buckle down and get to work. I appreciate each and every one of you, and I know a lot of you are interested in my journey. Things will get better. I know it will.


Scarlet Law - Bonus Renders ($20+ Patrons)




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