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Hello My lovely Patrons!

I just wanted to extend an invitation for our meetup this Saturday, it's the raincheck from last month as I couldn't make it due to my back injury (fully healed now 😊)

So we will have 2 meet ups this month, the official schedule will be for the last Saturday of every month at 7PM Pacific Time so more peeps can join in from different parts of the world.

So I hope to see you there to have a fun get together!

So to recap:
Feb Meetup will be for this Saturday March 5th at 7 PM Pacific and the official schedule (for now) will be holding our meetups every last Saturday of every month, same time.

Be sure to drop your questions for March's Q&A video here too!

 I will be MIA for a week this month from March 13th to the 22th as I'm traveling to see family after 2 long years of quarantine, so I'm taking all precautions for that 😁 My boyfriend's family is from Yucatan and he's promised to finally take me to their "jaw dropping beaches" so if we make it, I'll share some pics here of that adventure if you guys wanna see them πŸ˜†

I'm editing Super Sailor Mar's video this week so I hope to have it up by Tuesday at the latest 😁

The QandA invitation will be open again for 2 weeks so be sure to come over and drop your questions during that time πŸ˜‰


Cannoli Rose

How do you keep your workshop & projects from being graced by the presence of cat fur? (Lol, the Sailor Mars Flame Sniper kit was the first time I've ever even seen a SINGLE cat hair show up on one of your projects!)

Cannoli Rose

Have you met any other women that are dedicated to the GK hobby? Seems like the GK scene is mostly dominated by dudes (at least that's all YouTube seems to show) and they mostly work on sexually themed (or Gunpla) figures and characters; nothing against it personally, just gets boring seeing the same theme over and over. What words of wisdom would you share with others, regardless of gender, that want to do GK figures but feel intimidated by the attitude and criticism of others. (from other GK artists and/or fans of the hobby)


This. I only have two cats, and vacuum quite frequently, and STILL it gets EVERYWHERE.