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This has to be my favorite episode so far i think. Poor Kevin. Let him live, right? Fuckin ugly sisters clowning on his Cinderella witha buttplug moment.

Am i right or am i right?


BEATDOWN S5 | Episode 11 w/ WILLAM



I had a terrible week, thank you Willam, once again you saved the day! Taters!!🤣😂🤣😂


YES YOU SHOWED THE ISAAC & ALEX VIDEO AHAHAH. and my god this outfit is 100% something I would wear. where is that skirt from? I love it.


Good for her being sturdy lolol you kill me! xo


the fact that you played out that hypothetical fight so well...was intimidating lmao white gurl can throw hands ok i see you


Nothing better than a new beat down being dropped while your high as fuck ! Its how my version of heaven would be like !! thanks W,


So your parents would have tripped out over you doing a makeup tutorial therefore thrusting you outside in the yard............. I bet they are loving this shit then !


what is willam’s lipstick brand?? I love it so much!!


I had to come here from YouTube to ask, Willam... why so defensive about what people are maybe going to comment? Fuck, I'm grateful that half of these untalented little trolls have YouTube channels otherwise Willam wouldn't have material to beatdown. Don't be apologetic Willam, fuck the stupid little cunt BriBri! Even Gigi laughs about your beatdown you did of her YEARS ago remember "Girl it's fucking PINK" lol. Anyway my point is - don't apologise for your beatdown🤣


His parents are super supportive... His point is if his parents caught him doing some sort of dumb cunt thing like making lip shit out of crayons they'd have put him in the yard. There's a difference between dumb cunt and creative


I keep worrying some tween i bash might kill themselves. honestly.


19 year old me when you put that BOTS video of me in Billium's Wheatdown lmao


Yeah i wondered that and figured it was that because ppl have no fucking sense of humor anymore, im a pro comedy writer and media plus comedy plus fucking insane social media overkill had led us to far too much access for douche bags on social media whining about all ruthless comedy, Truthfully its my favorite quality about you and Beatdown but im not bitching and understand. There needs to be a way to filter out easily pissed off ass holes and have the ppl who dont give a fuck to subscribe to the show, is a No Suicide Claus too much for ppl, to sign ........im down !

Perpetua Motion

I don't understand why Bribri would tell us/teach us to "make" something she finds so horrible. Like, girl. Don't promote shit you don't believe in. Get some integrity (I hear Shannel has plenty of integrity, maybe she will share with you). Great video, Willam.


THIS LOOK! I'm obsessed. I think I need to watch the whole thing again because I didn't look at the videos I was just eyeing up this fashion moment.


I’m late as hell watching this but iolanda’s tweet to me about you getting tased made it in there and I love that. It would have been good clout if I didn’t get suspended


Fair fear I guess, but if someone goes to THAT extreme then your Beatdown is the LEAST of their issues. Plus they wouldn't be likely at all to do that if they are a YouTuber with more than a hundred (maybe even a dozen lol) subscribers that praise and support them... And if they have thousands, they would be even less likely because you wouldn't be the one giving them the most flack, the bigger a YouTuber becomes the more haters they get, but also the more supporters they get.