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i love this thumbnail so much. Giving me Wendy O Williams vibes right?


Glitter Pit w/ WILLAM

This is not a sponsored post. I wish it was though cuz i love free shit. SUBSCRIBE.



Oh cool, you taught me something new! Very cute. 🌟🌟🌟


haha what did the camera guy say in the beginning that made you go "pick your battles..." this was art.


The fuckery you come out with amazes me. Can't wait to see you on Sunday!


Your wig is next level.


Hell yeah, Wendy O! I love her so much, and this is so great :)


I love Kaine & Anthony’s comments in the background. Please do some kind of vid with the both of them you’re so funny together. Also love those glitter pits.


Someone told you to make more videos didn't they? (I'm not complaining)


I feel like once upon a time Miley Cyrus had like pink armpit hair, maybe I dreamed that, either way, this is better, cuz shiny stuff duh.


i always aim to lampoon when i can and this was my comment back to the assholes who do dumb beauty challenges.

Katie Cuthbert

I love a satirical queen! Hahaha this had me laughing so hard. Btw, I commented ages ago saying I was trying to get m&g for Heels of Hell but was waiting on disability info from the venue - well it turns out I need another surgery on my spine so I can't book anything until they give me a date. I might be able to do it last minute if I don't get a date through and there are tickets left though. But hey, I might just have to wait until I can actually walk properly to meet you! And thanks for the content - it's going to be getting me through the recovery (which as you know can be awful) xx


o2 manchester (my nearest) is terrible at dealing with disabilities. Theres a few wheelchair/scooter hire companies around these days. You may be better off that way than relying on the venue. I'm unsteady on my legs/use a cane and they offered me a backless high-stool! Good luck, I really hope venues get their shit together soon.


I like how Willam only has a vague idea of where her armpits are. Relatable content.


call them out to the local papers. people HATE bad press. if there's anything i can do, DM me.


Glitter Queen! Wish I wasn't so fearful of corneal abrasions cause I'd wear glitter more