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Hey gang,

Just letting you know the weekly update will now be coming Saturday or Sunday. I took a small break since I burnt myself out a bit with the Pyra finale and having to prepare for my interview  earlier this week. The interview went well enough, but everything left me kinda drained so I wanted to take  a few days to refresh and also think about how I want to handle my Patreon going forward. I'm still kicking some ideas around and listening to the suggestions you all have posted, but I should have a plan put together by Saturday or Sunday, and will fill you all in on what it is once I've nailed it down. I'll also be posting the source files of the Pyra finale in a bit for $10 supporters. But yeah I'll be back to things this weekend!



Enjoy your break!!! This finale is a magnificent piece of work.

Natural Aura

Everyone needs some time off every now and then. Have a great break! ^^


Dude, with everything that was on your plate the past few months, burnout is to be expected. Take as long as you need.