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Hey everyone,

I meant to get this out sooner, but I wanted to briefly go over what I wanted to get done this month.

The main goal of this month is to try and clear my plate a bit. I've been overly ambitious with things, so I'll probably end up scaling things down a bit in the future. But I want to get the things from the last few months done first. So I won't be holding polls for this month, but I should have some project releases coming to you all soon. 

I also have been feelin like my pixel art has been lacking recently. I think there much ore about the medium I need o learn to improve my art, so I will most like be trying some new things in order to practice and learn more techniques. 

My goals this month are to:

- Complete the Pyra Finale animation

- Complete the Booette animation

- Finish laying out the Isabelle storyboard

- Finish the Zero Suit animation loop

- Lay out the Midna anim loops for the mini game

- Get a demo out for Fox Hole

- Complete assets for Renapet to throw a demo together

- Stay on top of communication with you all

- Set myself up to get things back on track for February

I'll do my best to make sure things go well. I've some real life stuff start to pick that is requiring quite a bit of my time, but I'll do my best to stay on top of things. Thank you for all the support.


Ian T Schauer

Cant wait to see everything you've been working on this month ^__^


You'll get that rhythm going soon. No kidding bout the whole huge workload. So yeah don't overload yourself okay?^_^I believe in you.


In retrospect: It doesn't look like you completed any of these, unless you release Pyra somehow before February 1. Not trying to bully, but seriously, consider what you advertise, people are investing in you