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We live in a universe with 3 dimensions of space and one of time. Up, down, left, right, forward, back, past, future. 3+1 dimensions. Or so our primitive Pleistocene-evolved brains find it useful to believe. And we cling to this intuition, even as physics shows us that this view of reality may be only a very narrow perception. One of the most startling possibilities is that our 3+1 dimensional universe may better described as resulting from a spacetime one dimension lower – like a hologram projected from a surface infinitely far away.

The holographic principle emerged from many subtle clues – clues discovered over decades of theoretical exploration of the universe. Over the past several months on Space Time, we’ve seen those close clues, and we’ve built a the foundations needed to glimpse the true meaning of the holographic principle. We’ve moved from quantum field theory to black hole thermodynamics to string theory. We’ve made a background playlist if you want to start from scratch, and I especially recommend catching last week’s episode. But this is tough material, so let’s do a review.

The story started with black holes, and with Jacob Bekenstein, who derived an equation to describe their entropy. A black hole’s entropy represents the amount of quantum information of everything that ever fell into it. This Bekenstein bound represents maximum possible entropy-slash-information of any volume of space. Oddly, that maximum in is proportional to the surface area of that space, not its volume. That was surprising – surely the information in a volume of space depends on the volume – like, 1 bit per infinitesimal voxel – not one bit per pixel on its surface.

Steven Hawking confirmed the Bekenstein bound by calculating the amount of information leaked by a black hole as it evaporated in Hawking radiation. His discovery of Hawking radiation led to the black hole information paradox, because this radiation was expected to erase the quantum information of everything that fell into the black hole. But destroying quantum information would break the foundations of quantum mechanics. Hence the paradox.

This conundrum inspired Gerard t’ Hooft to show that the information of all material that fell into the black hole could be imprinted on that outgoing Hawking radiation. And while it’s waiting to be radiated, that information should be encoded on the event horizon. Nice solution, but new paradox. Things that fall into a black hole do actually experience crossing the event horizon and being inside the black hole. So the interior of the black hole has a dual existence. From the point of view of outside observers, its contents is smeared into 2-D on the surface, but from the PoV of anyone falling in they are definitely inside the black hole, plummeting to their doom in full 3-D glory.

This is the first glimpse of a holographic spacetime: a 2-D surface that encodes the properties of the 3-D interior. ‘t Hooft along with Leonard Susskind extrapolated this to proposed that not only is any surface sufficient to fully describe the locations of all particles in its volume, but also the full machinery of the volume can exist on its surface – all degrees of freedom needed to describe the behavior of everything within. But it’s one thing for this stuff to FIT on the surface – but how is it actually encoded? How does the 2-D surface store information about that extra dimension? And how do interactions on that surface correspond to interactions in the volume?

Leonard Susskind laid out the first steps towards how this could be achieved using string theory, but ultimately it was Juan Maldacena who figured out a concrete string theoretic realization of the holographic principle with AdS/CFT correspondence. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s ignore string theory for the moment and just think about how to create an extra dimension.

Let’s say we start with a plane – a flat, 2-D spacetime. Now grid it up into a lattice of cells and make a set of rules about how those cells interact with each other. Those rules are a field theory, the lattice itself is the field, and the cells are some elementary component of the field. But perhaps not the smallest possible component. For now let’s just say the size of those cells depends on how we’re looking at the grid. For example, the resolution of our microscope or the power of our particle collider. Probably the rules between cells – the field theory – depends on this scale. Focus on a very small scale and we see a very fine grid that interacts according to one set of rules, zoom out and we see a courser grid – with cells that are the average of smaller cells, and which presumably interact via different rules.

Or so you’d think, but we’re going to add something weird. We’re going to say our field theory is scale-invariant. We’ll say the rules are the same for the small pixels or big pixels. We see scale invariance in fractal patterns, where the rules defining the structures repeat to infinitely large or small scales. We also see it in string theory, which I’ll come back to. A field theory with this property is called a conformal field theory. In the last episode I said that a conformal transformation is one that leaves all internal angles unchanged. A conformal field theory has this property. For example, you can change the scale at every point on the grid separately and not change the internal angles or the shapes of the pixels, which corresponds to not changing the rules of interaction.

By making this a conformal field theory we’ve added a symmetry –invariance under local changes in scale – also known as Weyl invariance. This adds a degree of freedom everywhere – like a new infinite number line at each of the 2-D grid points. Objects on the 2-D grid also have values on that number line - they exist at a certain scale. If objects at different scales don’t tend to interact with each other then this new degree of freedom behaves just like another dimension. Our 2-D grid behaves like a 3-D volume, and we can treat it like one – mathematically.

You might say it’s not a real 3-D volume because the 3rd dimension is fake. But is it? What is a dimension but a number-line of possible values which a) exists alongside the other dimensions but is independent of them; b) over which the rules of physics stay the same, and c) imposes some kind of locality – for example, elements of that number line need to be next to each other to interact.

Crudely, this is how an extra dimension can be coded in a holographic universe. But for the details we need string theory. Even from the beginning string theory had hints of this scale invariance and dimensional weirdness. The first iteration of the theory, around 1970, tried to model the strong force between pairs of quarks – mesons – as this strand of gluons that behaves like a vibrating string. A nice feature is that the changing the length of the strand – which defines the energy in the bond – doesn’t change the basic physics. That means you can pretend string length-slash-energy is a separate dimension as a calculation trick.

The weird thing is that when you write the quantum wave equation for the gluon strand with length expressed as a separate dimension you get the wave equation for a graviton – the quantum particle of gravity. Which is ridiculous given the puny energy scale of a meson - gravitons shouldn’t exist there. This and other glitches led to string theory being abandoned as a model for the strong force. But it was quickly rejigged to make it a theory of quantum gravity, and the scale invariance of the strings becoming a central feature of string theory.

Fast forward a couple of decades to the 90s. We now have a several versions string theory that try to explain how vibrating strings can lead to the familiar particles of this universe. These were tentatively united by Ed Witten’s M-theory, which showed that different types of string and string theories were all related by dualities. A duality is when two seemingly different theories prove to represent the same underlying physical reality. These arose from the way string size and energy scales could be rescaled. But the strangest string duality was still to come with AdS/CFT correspondence, proposed by Argentinean physicist Juan Maldecena in 1997. Strange because it provided the first concrete description of a holographic universe.

Maldecena imagined a set of string theory objects called branes. These are like multidimensional strings that can serve as start and end points for strings, but also as spaces embedded within higher-dimensions. Maldacena considered geometrically flat 3-D branes. These branes are extremely close together – basically overlapping. The strings connected to these branes are scale invariant, so their length and energy can vary without changing the physics. Under certain assumptions he found that the resulting braney structure looked just like a Minkowski spacetime of 3+1 dimensions on which their lived a field theory that arose from interactions between branes. In itself that field theory wasn’t  stringy– rather it was a quantum field theory like the ones that gives us our standard model of particle physics – a Yang-Mills theory, but with supersymmetry added in. It was also a conformal field theory – a CFT - so it was invariant to the scaling of grid sizes. This quality fcame from the energy-scale-invariance of the strings embedded in the construction of this space.

In good string-theorist style, Maldacena defined incorporated that scale factor into be a new spatial dimension. The 3-D space became a 4-D space. While the original space was flat, the new space had negative curvature – it was a hyperbolic, anti-de Sitter or AdS space. The conformal field theory in the original space included no gravity, but in the higher-dimensional space it became a full quantum theory of gravity.

This is AdS/CFT duality. As with the other dualities in string theory, this one was extremely useful for calculations. When interactions in the lower dimensional field theory are extremely strong – we would say the fields are strongly coupled - then the corresponding higher-dimensional gravitational structures in the higher dimensional space would be weak and solvable. Conversely, strong gravitational fields in the higher dimensional space – like in black holes – look like a solvable configuration of particles in the low-D space. Among other things, this provided a new resolution to the black hole information paradox: the information lost in a black hole persists perfectly comfortably in the lower-dimensional space. The techniques of AdS/CFT correspondence are even extended to disparate fields like nuclear and condensed matter physics.

But the more startling implication of AdS/CFT is that it’s the first concrete realization of a holographic universe. The lower dimensional CFT space is the surface of the AdS space because the field theory exists where the new dimension becomes infinite. That’s tough to imagine – so let’s go back to our depiction of an infinite hyperbolic space from the last episode. Represent a 2-D hyperbolic space as a compactified map and it has an edge – at least a mathematical one. Anyone inside the hyperbolic space still has to travel infinitely far to get to that edge. Now stack many maps to represent slices in time. The resulting column has a geometrically flat and finite surface that is a spacetime all on its own. The rules of interactions between cells on the surface is a quantum field theory. But those rules translate to interactions in the volume – in the bulk – and there they are a theory of gravity.

AdS/CFT is a hint that we may live in a holographic universe. It doesn’t represent THIS universe, because our universe doesn’t appear to be negatively curved AdS space, nor does it have 4 spatial dimensions as in Maldecena’s calculation. But there are efforts to generalize this to a universe more like our own. The question we now wrestle with is this: a series of mathematical clues indicate that our universe may be holographic – or at least have a dual representation in a lower dimension. Can these just be crazy mathematical coincidences? Maybe, but perhaps our familiar 3+1 universe has an alternative – perhaps a more true representation out there. An abstract mathematical surface infinitely far from our location and from our intuition,  projecting inwards our familiar holographic spacetime.



I've always wondered if the lower interacting particles and forces like gravity and dark matter are actually the ghostly imprints of a neighboring dimension. Kind of like the heat felt on the outside of a stove or music heard through the other side of a wall. It would be fascinating to find that our universe isn't actually the foundation of reality but the first flooor! 😬😬😬