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Have you ever asked “what is beyond the edge of the universe?” And have you ever been told that an infinite universe that has no edge? You were told wrong. In a sense. We can define a boundary to an infinite universe, at least mathematically. And it turns out that boundary may be as real or even more real than the universe it contains.

Our universe may be infinite. In order to wrap our puny human minds around such a notion we like to come up with boundaries. For example we have the “observable universe” – that patch that we can see, and beyond which light has not yet had time to reach us. It’s boundary is called the particle horizon. Beyond it there exists at a minimum of thousands and possibly infinitely more regions just as large. Our observable universe is like a tiny patch of land in a vast plain. We define its horizon like we might build a little picket fence around our little patch – meaningless from the point of view of the plain, but it makes our patch feel more homey and us less crushingly insignificant.

We visited these cosmic horizons in one of the early Space Time episodes. To review: the particle horizon defines the limit of the visible past, and there’s also cosmic event horizon defining the limit of the visible future. But these correspond to actual spherical boundaries in space, whose distances can be calculated. How mundane. There’s another way to define the boundary of the universe that isn’t so shy in the face of an infinite cosmos. In fact, if we twist our human intuition and our mathematics to its limit we can build our picket fence around an infinite universe. A mathematical boundary at infinity turns out to be not just useful for doing calculations in physics, but may be as real as the physical universe it contains. It may encode that universe as a hologram on its surface.

In today’s episode we’re going to talk about two ways to define an infinite boundary, and this will set us up finally for laying open the holographic principle. I promise!

Let’s start with a quick review of types of universe. At least the three basic types described by Einstein’s general theory of relativity. The only type of non-infinite universe – or closed universe – is the one that curves back on itself – like a 3-D analog of the 2-D surface of a sphere. We call that positive curvature. Travel far enough and you get back where you started. Geometry is a bit broken in such a universe – for example, two parallel lines will eventually converge and cross each other. In general relativity we call a universe with this geometry de Sitter space, after Dutch astronomer Willem de Sitter.

Then there’s the flat universe – classic, straightforward geometry – parallel lines stay parallel – and it goes on forever. In GR this is Minkowski space, after Hermann Minkowski, teacher and colleague of Albert Einstein’s. Finally there’s the universe with negative curvature, and the 2-D analog of that is the hyperbolic surface, like an infinite saddle or pringle. In this geometry parallel lines actually diverge from each other. In GR this is anti-de Sitter space because it’s the “opposite” of the positive curvature de Sitter space. Terrible name, so we abbreviate it AdS space.

OK, so 2 out of 3 possible universes are infinite. On the other hand, assuming all these types exist, there should be infinitely more people in infinite universes compared to people in non-infinite universes. You’re probably one of the former, so let’s ignore puny de Sitter space and for today assume we’re in one of the infinite ones. How do we put bounds on infinity?

This all got going in the early 60s when physicists tried to find ways to map infinite spacetime –to the edge of an infinite universe or across the event horizon of a black hole. Regular coordinates of space and time are useless there – they blow up to infinities. Physicists found mathematical ways to fuse space and time into new coordinates that suppressed the infinities. We call this process compactification.

The first efforts were designed to allow physicists to cross the event horizon of black holes – mathematically. We have Kruskal–Szekeres coordinates, Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates, and others. But these coordinates only defeated the artificial infinity – the coordinate singularity -  of the event horizon – also something we’ve discussed (the phantom singularity)

It was Roger Penrose who defeated the true infinity of an infinitely large universe. In the early 60s he developed his Penrose coordinates and Penrose diagrams – also known as Penrose-Carter diagrams, for Brandon Carter who came up with them around the same time. We’ve used these before to understand black hole event horizons, but these were originally conceived to understand the boundaries of the universe.

As a quick review: start with a graph of space versus time – a spacetime diagram – then compactify. These horizontal-ish contours are our old time ticks - moments of constant time across the universe, while the vertical-ish lines are set locations in space in only one spatial dimension. The contours bunch up towards the boundaries so that every step on the map covers more and more space and time. The boundaries themselves represent infinite distance and infinite past and future. One amazing thing about the Penrose diagram is that the transformation preserves all internal angles – all angles between intersecting lines relative to each other stay the same. We call such a transformation “conformal”.  Remember that word – it’s going to be very, very important.

Penrose diagram

This particular conformal compactification is designed to ensure that the path of every ray of light remains at 45 degrees across the map. That means only lightspeed paths can hope to reach these boundaries ahead, and only light speed paths can originate from these boundaries behind. Any sub-lightspeed paths, which means anything with mass, will be swept along with the contours of space. All matter must originate at this point representing all of space in the infinite past, and must also converge to this point which represents all of space in the infinite future.

Only lightspeed paths – or in the language of quantum field theory “massless fields” can access these diagonal boundaries. If we write the equations of these fields in Penrose’s compactified coordinates then we can do something that seems impossible – we can track a quantum field to infinite distance and calculate its behavior there. That has a very particular use. Penrose diagrams represent a universe that is “asymptotically flat” – it may have some local curvature due to gravity of massive objects inside, but at its boundaries the simple rules of non-curved, Minkowski spacetime apply. That’s handy because flat space is the only space where quantum mechanics is fully solvable.

The most famous use of this is by Steven Hawking, as we saw in our Hawking radiation episode. He connected a quantum field between two points at infinite distance – past and future - where he could define the state of the quantum vacuum in solvable flat space. Then he placed a black hole in between these points and calculated how it perturbed the balance of a quantum field traced between them. He found that two “infinitely distant” regions could not both be in a perfect vacuum state if a black hole lay between them. He concluded that the black hole must generate particles – Hawking radiation. Which, by the way, was a key discovery on the path to the holographic principle, as we’ve discussed before and which I’ll . review again - but not today. Today we’re just talking about boundaries – and we need a very different infinite boundary to give us our hologram.

Penrose diagrams define the infinite boundary of a flat universe as a useful tool in calculation. For the holographic principle we need the infinite boundary of a negatively-curved universe – an anti-de Sitter, AdS universe. Let’s start with another map. Just like the Penrose diagram we’ll do a conformal transformation – all internal angles preserved, and will compactify layers towards the edge. But this time we’re not mapping space versus time – we’ll just map two dimensions of hyperbolic space.

In fact, let’s use the most famous conformal compactification of hyperbolic space. That’s right, there is a most famous conformal compactification of hyperbolic space, and you’ve probably seen it. This is M.C. Escher’s Circle Limit IV – the final in a series of woodcuts inspired by a projection of hyperbolic plane called the Poincaré or conformal disk. 

Circle Limit IV

The basic construction is straightforward enough – start with a circle. Now fill it with a set of circle segments that all intersect the circumference at right angles. Those circle segments represent the straight lines of a hyperbolic geometry projected onto the disk. We can see the hyperbolic behavior these arcs – they are geodesics – the straightest-possible paths in the geometry. Any two paths that are parallel at one point will diverge from each other in either direction. This is a conformal transformation of a hyperbolic surface because the angles of intersection of these lines are preserved, and it’s compactified because an infinite hyperbolic surface fits on a finite disk, with lengths represented by shorter and shorter arcs towards the rim.

Poincaré disk

The other feature of a conformal mapping is that shapes are preserved – at least locally. We see that when we fill the circle with a regular choice of circle segments. They define a set of enclosed shapes that vary in size but not in shape. This is an example of tessellation – tiling a space with regular repeated shapes. Hyperbolic space is fascinating because there are literally infinite ways it can be tessellated with regular polygons, while spheres and flat space each have only a small finite number of possible tessellations.

Tesselations of the hyperbolic plane

So this disk can represent an infinite anti-de Sitter universe with 2 spatial dimensions at a single instant in time. Each tile represent the same size region of space. The boundary is infinitely far away and looks the same no matter where we travel. If we wanted to represent a 3-D AdS universe we could use a Poincaré ball instead.

But the real power of AdS space isn’t the cool art you can do with it. At least to physicists. It’s the nature of the infinite boundary. Here’s a mouthful: the boundary of a conformally-compactified anti-de Sitter space is itself a conformally-compactified Minkowski space with one fewer dimension. Got it? Cool, we’d done here.

OK, let’s unpack that. In fact let’s add the dimension of time to our hyperbolic projection. Stack a bunch of Poincare disks – each representing an instant in time. They give you a cylinder and representing an AdS spacetime with 2 spatial and one temporal dimensions – let’s call that 2+1 dimension. On the other hand the surface of the disk has only one dimension of space – the circumference – and the same one-D of time – 1+1. Right. So it turns out that the surface of the cylinder – which exists only in the compactified coordinates of the interior volume - is mathematically exactly a flat, Minkowski space. You can extrapolate to any number of extra dimensions – say a 3+1 dimensional - Poincare ball. Compactify it so you the infinite boundary becomes a surface – that surface is a 2+1 Minkowski plain.

Poincaré ball     AdS bulk and surface

And the crazy thing is that you can treat that surface space and the interior space – also called the “bulk”  - as separate spacetimes with their own physics. But they are connected. Every point on the flat surface maps to a set of paths through the hyperbolic interior – remember those circle arcs? Patterns on the surface define the structure of interior. In 1997 Argentinian physicist Juan Maldacena found an incredible correspondence between these spaces. He realized that if you define a conformal quantum field theory in a 3+1-dimensional Minkowski space, that corresponded to an interesting mathematical structure in the enclosed 4+1-D AdS space. That structure looked exactly like a string theory with gravity and everything.

This is the AdS/CFT correspondence. Quantum mechanics in the form of a conformal field theory in one space is a theory of quantum gravity in a space with one higher dimension. The hologram part is because the lower dimensional space can be thought of as the infinitely distant boundary of the higher dimensional space. Every particle, every gravitational effect in the bulk is represented by quantum fields on an infinitely distant surface. OK, I’m going to have to cut us off here. The deeply abstract relationship between these two spaces needs an entire episode. Stay tuned for the final installment of the holographic principle in not-so-infinitely-distant future of spacetime.


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