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Question for anyone who sees this. I'm thinking of adding extra content to tier 3 where right now it's early access and worth the price in my opinion, but I figure I might make it more appealing just to be nice to those already apart or might join at some point. The idea is all my thumbnails for the month I give you the raw file so no text overlay just the thumbnail I made. Some make good backgrounds and I figure all my videos that I do something to the thumbnail would make a good reward that once a month I could post. I might not do this but just testing the waters here.


Teeny bopper

That's actually not a bad idea I think. It's a nice easy addition that doesn't seem like extra work for you and would be cool to use sometimes if there's a good one we like.


I have every thumbnail I've ever made as I keep the raws for all of them for no particular reason so it'd be easy to do a post once a month.