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Table: Alternate “Draining Kiss” Effects by Race

  • Dragonborn (For Your Hoard, M’Lady) — On its next turn, the target must gift its most valuable possession to the succubus. On a successful save, it may choose to gift its second-most valuable possession instead.
  • Dwarf (Blood of Stone) — The target suffers from priapism for 1d4 rounds. This inflicts the Petrified condition. If the condition persists for 4 rounds, the dwarf should consult a cleric.
  • Elf (Go The Fuck to Sleep) — Postcoital lethargy floods the target’s consciouness, forcing it into the elven trance state (as the sleep spell). Note that fey lethargy does not confer immunity to this effect, no matter how much the elf bitches about it.
  • Gnome (Baby, You’re a Firework) — The gnome must roll twice on the Wild Magic Surge table. The succubus chooses which effect manifests.
  • Half-Elf (Pillow Talk) — Feeling supernaturally chatty, the afflicted half-elf must spend the next 1d4 rounds telling the succubus about their hopes, fears, and tragic backstory. For the duration, they cannot cast spells with verbal components.
  • Halfling (Feeling Lucky) — For the next 1d8 hours, the halfling loses access to the lucky trait. The succubus gains the ability instead.
  • Half-Orc (My Girl!) — A feeling of fierce jealousy overtakes the half-orc. For the duration of this effect, the afflicted half-orc must spend its bonus action to make a Charisma (Intimidation) check contested by the nearest ally’s Wisdom (Animal Handling). If the half-orc succeeds, the cowed ally has disadvantage on its next d20 roll. The effect persists until the half-orc loses a contest.
  • Human (Klutz) — Infatuated with the succubus, the target falls all over themselves like a smitten teenager. The afflicted human loses access to their feats or highest-level spells (succubus's choice) for 1 minute.
  • Tiefling (Infernal Intimacy) — The succubus’s fiendish heritage begins to blend with the tiefling’s own. The target acquires the succubus’s coloration and distinguishing characteristics (e.g. wings, horns, etc.). This effect is permanent unless healed by a casting of remove curse.



Michael Zemancik

I wonder what the alternate effect of Draining Kiss would have on an assamir?


Oh man, was Paladin's fall because he slept with Succubus all that way back and she's been subtly tainting him?


Ooh. I wasn't sure if the crossover would come to this side of the comic and I very much appreciate that it did.