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Guess who knows how to do simple frame animations in Photoshop? THIS GIRL.

Check out handbookofheroes.com tomorrow for the full post!



Michael Zemancik

OK, so it seems Paladin didn't immediately join up with Necromancer after 'The Incident'. Looking forward to when he truly hits rock bottom (killing rats in the tavern's basement to pay for his drinks) that Necromancer will take him home, put him bed under a nice comfy blanket, and make him some hit soup. I am curious with his current state with Anti-Party at this time. Was he kicked out, or did he leave on his own volition (and in turn, did the other members try to stop him or wrote him off)? When a player leaves the group, it hits a lot more than if their character left the story. Especially depending on the reasons.


Sure, assist in ONE dark ritual and suddenly you're not "hero material" anymore. Bullcrap, I say. Totally unfair.