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Oh man, looks like we're going to find out what BBEG wanted with Thief after all!

Check out handbookofheroes.com tomorrow for the full post!




Thief is just suffering from last-minute syndrome- she'll roll a hard 20 on the last round before her fate is sealed. Or at least, that's what she's probably telling herself.


If Demon Queen is planning to orchestrate a virgin sacrifice, I fear she may be sorely disappointed. Perhaps a rite in the… *other* direction? One can never tell with these Abyssal types, you know.

Michael Zemancik

Hey, Thief didn’t invite DQ to her wedding. Can’t blame her for wanting to get back at her.


That's how Murphy's law goes. They're counting on Thief to have bad luck, so she'll roll that one-in-a-million nat 20.

Randall Norman Pick

Sorry Thief, you're a quest objective, -200 % chance to all trickery-related checks.