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As she drifted, Thief’s mind wandered back to the old days. Before she’d become a Hero. Before she ever heard the names Wizard or Fighter or Cleric. Back in the pirate days, with a loyal crew at her beck and call and the gentle roll of the waves beneath her. She missed that feeling sometimes. The rise and fall of a ship at sea. The horizon an endless expanse before the prow.

From a certain point of view, her freedom had diminished greatly. There was no denying it. Such was the price of monogamy. But as any thief might tell you, that is the nature of prices: they were meant to pay for something.

“Beloved!” came the voices. “Are you quite certain you are not in distress? Your shouts are somewhat frantic tonight.”

“Ahhwaah! Huh-unh,” said Thief, quite reasonably she thought.

“Perhaps I should stop?” came the lilting chorus. It rose from the hollow of her neck and her shoulder, where delicate lips murmured close beside her ear. It oozed from the vicinity of either breast, where small pink tongues still danced their two-step, keeping merry time with one another. It welled up along with the warm breath tickling her belly, and her thighs, and the sensitive base of her tail, the last of which writhed like a mad thing amidst disheveled bedsheets.

“Don’t you fucking dare!” she growled. And as Thief tightened her legs mercilessly about one of her wife’s heads, she was pleased to find that some of Captain Thiefbeard’s command still remained to her. Thus far, wedded life had been well worth the cost. And as she rocked upon a lapping sea of pleasure, Thief could not imagine a finer crew.




Any new way to keep from having to fake, I guess.

Robbert Raets

'Captain Thiefbeard'! XD Also, Wizard really did get her money's worth for that 'hydra gut squeezings' optional material component...


Sometimes it's good to be careful when you're dealing with magic or mythical creatures. You never know who could be disguised as who, or who could be a doppelganger or changeling or three kobolds in a coat or some other crazy thing. On the other hand, magic sex looks awesome.

Jayne Lindgren

This may be my favorite HoEH of all time. <3 Everything about it is amazing, from the concept, to the art, to the joke about mechanics and the fiction snippet. <3<3<3 Self-duplication is one of those powers that tends to get slept on, I think because it's kind of mundane. You just do what a normal person does...in several places! But it's got so much potential, from identity issues to having a single person do many jobs to just fun stuff like this.


Consider that duplicates can work perfectly in sync, which takes a ton of practice normally.


Sometimes it's better to believe the illusion.


Colin asked me what Thief's captain name should be, and that was my response! I'm glad we get to be silly :D