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We've done a number of "Origin Story" comics over the years. That's how we found out about Thief's pirate queen history, Team Bounty Hunter's boarding school days, and Pug's role as kobold tribal trap bait. Who else deserves a sneak peak at "the early days?"


Robbert Raets

Is it going to be an origin story for Occultist or an origin story for Occultist's implements...?

Danger Dan

I need to know more about how Van Helscion came to be. Did she choose the profession because of her name, or did she change her name to match her profession?

Michael Zemancik

Ooh, tricky. On one hand, I’m desperate for every detail I can get on Helscion (current headcanon is that she’s also attended the same boarding school as the bounty hunters [before it mysteriously burned down], but that might just be my sexy schoolgirl kink talking [alternately, i’m imagining her pulling a Heracles, only instead of strangling snakes she’s stabbing vampire bats while still in the crib]), but on the other hand Occultist is kinda underdeveloped and it’d be a good opportunity to show how her character fits in the world. I am highly amused though at Occultist and Helscion’s rivalry these past couple of polls, and I almost want to find a way to showcase it in the comics. Other choice would’ve been Warlock, would’ve like to have seen Peter Pan before he went off to Neverland.