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So a few of those guesses about Magus' conspicuous outline underwater in the last comic turned out to be correct...

Check out the full post at handbookofheroes.com tomorrow!



Robbert Raets

Well, that rope of shib- I mean, entanglement can't have helped...


YOU KILLED MAGUS! …you better bring a resurrection plot in fast. The ADHD Gish is my fav haha.

Michael Zemancik

I guess cats don’t have nine lives. I wonder what kind of undead abomination she’ll end up becoming.


Is the banner on this one supposed to be the same as the previous comic?

Thomas Fowler

Well BBEG did offer to expense it. Which in D&D may actually be a genuine offer to pay for diamond dust, especially if he needs them for a job. Of course, getting BBEG to uphold it's end of the deal is the tricky part. Reverse suicide squad plot ahoy.

Thomas Fowler

Ah, the old "plot harpoon". I think those tend to work better in lower-power RPGs. In D&D, the players (generally) expect to be powerful heroes, implying a great deal of agency to do what they want, and denying them that can start to grate really quickly. In lower power games, like Warhammer fantasy roleplay or Paranoia to name 2, the players can expect to be random schlubs just trying to get by. Which makes it easier to swallow the town guard/friendly local vulture squad showing up, beating the shit out of you and dragging you in chains to the court of lord whatshis'tauch/mission briefing. On an unrelated note, Gestalt is looking delightfully smug in this one.

Randall Norman Pick

The scary part in D&D is that isn't an entirely glib response.


It's kind of weird how quickly death becomes just another cost to adventuring... we had a sorcerer in our party at one point who died so often that the response was just 'oh, get out the dustpan again.'