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We’ve known since the beginning that Magus enjoys her bondage. It’s part of what makes her and our resident drow dom such a great couple. However, our resident catgirl’s predilection for getting herself tangled up in yarn (and assorted other restraints) has been known to cause dissensions in the ranks of Team Bounty Hunter. Here’s a short list of other items missing from the party’s communal loot chest.

  • Armor of Vulnerability — Its vulnerabilities have somehow been reset to “open hand” and “leather belts.”
  • Bracers of DefenselessnessNo matter how many times the others explain that this item is cursed, Magus continues to claim that they’re ‘really comfortable and fashionable.’
  • Chime of Opening — All charges expended. There was some discussion about it ‘making things too easy.’
  • Dimensional ShacklesUpon acquiring this set of fluffy cuffs from The City of Brass, Magus could be heard to remark, “I can finally prep dimension door again!”
  • Feather Token (whip) — “The best of both worlds!”
  • Necklace of Prayer BeadsNone of the other members of Team Bounty Hunter have seen her equip this item, though Magus claims she wears it daily.
  • Wand of BindingSince Magus undertook to “repair” the wand, its assisted escape function no longer works. However, the hold person function now manifests as a latex suit.

Of course, if anyone can think of other items that would fit Magus’s unique build, feel free to show them out! She’s always looking for new acquisitions. :3



Robbert Raets

There is that enchanted Sava set that Quiz, um, confiscated from Drow Priestess, but the process of teaching Magus how to play isn't going well because she keeps deliberately creating board states in which she can say 'oh no I've left my flank exposed' and the like.

Randall Norman Pick

You know, I suppose there's a question how rings of energy resistance block sensation or not...


I'm very glad that no one has ever looked in Lem's inventory or she would have a great deal of explaining to do. Mostly the scroll of Flesh to stone and the scroll of disintegrate, but there's a few items she'd rather not explain the use case for in there too. (also, having a familiar with the dexterity to unlock or untie things is very useful.) Particularly off of my list: Winter Clothing is heavy and covers much of your body, great for hiding things underneath it. Material Component Pouches- you'd be surprised what spell components have other uses... Though you might want to keep the components you would like to keep clean in a separate pouch from your ingredients for *fireball*... The various kinds of Manacle are also useful, especially in their special material variants- Cold Iron for anti-magic, Silver for shapeshifters, and Adamantine, if you can afford it, for those who will break lesser materials. a Pacifying rune can turn any weapon into a fun toy, perfect for roleplay. Just uh... make sure to take the rune off before you go into combat or you'll only be doing nonlethal damage. As for alchemical items, well, there's a huge list of interesting mutagens. Cheetah's Elixir and Silvertongue mutagen come highly reccomended, or so I've heard.


The *prayer beads*, Magus? There’s nonmagical alternatives to that one that are *infinitely* more convenient. I guess at least it’s not a necklace of fireballs.... that’d be an outright hazard!


Well, it certainly protects the necklace from taking fire damage...