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Gestalt seems to have left her stabbing knife at home...

Check out handbookofheroes.com tomorrow for the full post!




I was going to say that I hope Inquisitor remembered to get that polearm silvered, but then I saw that it looks like she's crying and I got sad about it. Especially once I realized that Magus is... conspicuously absent.

Thomas Fowler

I mean, it's a D&D/Pathfinder world. The only reason to cry about getting murdered is that the bounty will have to be spent on diamond dust. Although there are far worse fates out there than mere death... Like being planeshifted to the demiplane of dogs and spoiled milk.

Michael Zemancik

And that’s when Druid pulls a Jurassic Park, and has Allie eat Gestalt. “That’s for trying to frame my boyfriend!”


I am mildly concerned about that ominous shadow in the water.


I just realized—Quiz’s hat! She’s got to get that back or she’ll be powerless!

Nate Wright Jr.

Hah. Reminds me of that meme from the Invincible cartoon.

Randall Norman Pick

When the boss encounter's up but one of your players had to call off ( I hope, this isn't looking great for Team Bounty Hunter keeping all its members without a temple visit)


This is probably how it feels for the goblins.

Finn the Human

I do like Lycanpiress she's very funny and if she turns anyone into a vampire spawn lycan thing I think it be Ranger just by this comic page alone it might sound like an interesting quest also I imagine her weakness is a garlic tennis ball


Gestalt left her stabbing knife *in* Home. Home is (sorry, was) the name of a very unimaginative CSL (Common as a Second Language) dwarven cleaner.


This one looks so dynamic! I gotta simp over Inquisitor again of course, but the blue lighting and the other little details made me really happy to see this post.