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Wow, there have been some seriously bad rolls so far...

Check out handbookofheroes.com tomorrow for the full post!



Michael Zemancik

Well, hopefully Druid will have Reincarnation ready for after the execution (rolled my own die and... got a halfling). Unless Necromancer gets to him first, in which case we get a new member of Team Evil.


What do you have to say in your defense, guy who's bound and gagged? Nothing? So you admit you're the culprit!


Sometimes, the best way to solve a mystery is to ignore and/or misinterpret all the clues until the DM is forced to have the culprit dramatically confess so that they can finally move the plot along. Which is a perfectly good strategy, like spending your downtime buying CR 0 or 1/8 creatures from the pet store to pad your XP, or spawn-camping in Team Deathmatch.

Robbert Raets

Wow, those farmers don't even know how close they're coming to having their town burned to the ground, plowed over and turned back into forest!


Let's be real- she's not confessing because she feels bad, she's confessing because she's mad she's not getting the credit she's due for somehow leaving a piercing weapon wound with what is clearly a wiggly knife.