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It seems as though there might be some foul play happening in Handbook World!

Check out handbookofheroes.com tomorrow for the full post!



Michael Zemancik

“Now back to the sexy pillow fight.”

Robbert Raets

It's very polite of the tags not to give away who the perpetrator is, but that silhouette is distinctly familiar...


murder most foul.... murder most FOWL..... it was the aarakocra! I know they have an airtight alibi, but the puns don’t lie!


Oooh, why don't we have an aarakocra character? I feel like I'm missing out on drawing cute bird people now.

Randall Norman Pick

Given Team Bounty Hunter's history, Magus is right. It's not a call to adventure until the reward for the murderer is posted.


I really enjoy Inquisitor's pajama top. Although now I'm wondering if the heart being before the I was the graphic getting flipped or if I'm just reading it wrong. Maybe it's a numeral, and declares her love of one spider?


Ah--you're totally right that I flipped it, since I was worried about framing the background appropriately. XD Let's just pretend that the Drow language has a different sentence structure...