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Poor Jeremy.

Check out handbookofheroes.com tomorrow for the full post!



Michael Zemancik

I wanna make a ‘boner’ joke, but I got nothing.

Robbert Raets

I think Jeremy's attempt to do the same is what triggered Barbie's rage in the first place.


“Beat a motherfucker with another motherfucker”? No, She can beat a motherfucker with *themself*.

Thomas Fowler

Have you ever really played barbarian if you've never ripped off a hydra's head and beat the new heads to death with the soggy end of the old one?

Sigurður Steinn Sveinsson

Ah yes one of my favorite moments in pathfinder was when we found ourselves weponless and armorless at a feast and goblins attacked. My barbarian happily grabbed one of them and used it as a bludgeoning weapon for the rest of that fight. It wasn't very effective but it was epic as anything.

Randall Norman Pick

Does this get cross-proficiency bonus if you've got medicine, cooking, or survival?