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I tend to choose builds that supplement roleplay rather than combat, but I too occasionally look towards the lure of a crit-fishing combat character...

Check out handbookofheroes.com tomorrow for the full post!




I can't help but think that the amount of effort that fighters put into becoming who they are gets understated a lot. Then again, Fighter decided to be one, so it can't be that much work.


Oh who is this? Or rather, who will this be? It might be druid, but the lack of tag has me intrigued, and the eyes are red instead of blue. I feel like a lot of people overlook the roleplay potential of certain classes. Fighter players get a reputation for being mechanics-focused, but you could easily play your crit-fisher as a character that spends every night and every morning training with their weapons, reaching ever for perfection. Their critical hit rate is due to their obsessively-practiced technique and almost superhumanly honed reflexes. Maybe they’re searching for a worthy opponent to learn from, and follow around anyone who defeats them, or perhaps they quest in search of lost techniques and ancient masters. Maybe they want to find rare, mystical ore and forge a legendary weapon to help them achieve their true potential. And that’s just weapons-focused!


He's a murder-hobo in world where that guarantees free XP - of course who didn't have to put the effort in!


Oh no, is this a new character!? or worse and npc who will dead next comic!?

Robbert Raets

'Free Beer Second Wind' sounds like a concept album if I've ever heard one.

Randall Norman Pick

I think it's worse when you consider proficiencies. Free beer over there can be a master (or very good) at many weapons, and you're only a master of the fist.

Jayne Lindgren

An elf monk! Love 'em! I think the cost/benefit of monk training vs. others really depends on what edition you're in. Some games do a better job of showing monks as having supernatural powers vs. hitting people real good. Of course, there's always the *spiritual* rewards of the ascetic path, but when has that ever motivated PCs? x3


It definitely does depend on your edition/game of choice. Of course, if we all played Exalted, this wouldn't be a problem XD

Michael Zemancik

Just go though a Training Montage. You’ll be finished in no time.