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This is the backstory behind Pug punch good. Who needs weapons, right?

Check out handbookofheroes.com tomorrow for the full post!




Dex is best stat.... but strength has its benefits, too


When you have strength, you need dex. When you have dex, you need strength. You just can't win.

Thomas Fowler

when you want to dismember your enemies but you have a racial strength penalty. truly the bane of too many would be murderers with napoleon complexes

Sigurður Steinn Sveinsson

Just yesterday we looted an awesome two handed axe from a foe, it hits like a truck, only problem is it weighs as much since it's frikkin GARGANTUAN! I FEEL YOUR PAIN PUG I FEEL YOUR PAIN!! Ahem. Also pug looks very cute here!!


Bracers of Giant Strength should do it.

Michael Zemancik

Alchemist: Now I do have some steroids- I mean potions, that could solve your problem.