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This meet the family thing is overrated.

Check out handbookofheroes.com tomorrow for the full post!




“Dead family backstory is fine,” they said. “The DM can’t use them against you if they aren’t around anymore,” they said. HARRUMPH.

Robbert Raets

...I'm suddenly realising that Necromancer would also be unable to differentiate between trashy romance novels and horror stories.


I can't help but realize that, in analyzing their relationship, we usually focus a lot more on Paladin's lawful stupid alignment than Necromancer's true chaotic.

Thomas Fowler

I mean... Is the monster hunting down Frankenstein to force him to make him a companion so he isn't alone in the world anymore not romantic?

Thomas Fowler

If you play an abyssal exalt, it's actually easier to use your family against you if they're dead.

Nate Wright Jr.

As they always say. If a DM is tired of their players just using "dead parents" as a lazy backstory, just make your BBEG a necromancer.

Michael Zemancik

“Well it’s not like I could raise my family. They’re...“ Actually we don’t know what’s up with Necromancer’s family.

Randall Norman Pick

Points for Necromancer trying to make things work out. But you know, these sort of relationships where one person in the family holds all the strings tend to cause trouble in the long run.


I wonder if this will kill Paladin's attraction to Necromancer or is that just impossible?


The question is when BBEG is going to use that on Fighter and finds it doesn't work out.