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It had taken far too long. There had been a thousand and one hints. But only now, staring down at her notepad between Games of Chaos segments, did Inquisitor finally fit the pieces together.

Supporting Evidence

The Case Against

  • Bobs and vagene.

Inquisitor frowned down at her notepad. “I am a fucking idiot,” she said.

The drow dominatrix closed her notes with a flick of the wrist. She narrowed her eyes, staring across the studio at her buxom blonde teammate. “And nobody gets away with making me feel like an idiot.”

The dark elf smiled then. Ranger’s poor little heart seemed set on the oaf, and it wouldn’t do to upset the delicate balance of interpersonal workplace relations. But there was more than one way to exact revenge. And neutral or not, no self-respecting daughter of the Underdark fails to take satisfaction. Especially not when (if all went to plan) it would prove so satisfying.




The plot thiccens!


*Hole in the Wall???* Truly the evils of this gameshow know no limits! .....Somebody pass me the popcorn, they’re going to have to do it blindfolded next round and I want to see who has to give instructions to whom.


The heroes in fantasy novels never roll 16 consecutive nat 1's on perception checks, so you think it could never happen to you, but here we are.

Robbert Raets

I momentarily misread one of the bullet points as 'Carrie's distinctive bastard sword', although that would explain the obsession with blood, I suppose...


11/10 name joke, very nice

Sigurður Steinn Sveinsson

Maybe inquisitor made int her dump stat and everybody else in the party is well aware of who Fighter is and don't want to embarrass her by bringing it up.

Michael Zemancik

“Or should I say, Horsepower?” You know, we know that Ranger is romantically interested in Femme Fighter, but does Fighter want to have an actual relationship (and not just casual sex)?