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I really, really like drawing hair.  It is my one weakness.

NSFW version available for download below!



Michael Brost

It's an okay weakness to have from my vantage point. :D


Red hair and freckles are two of my weaknesses. Not the only ones, mind you, but definitely applicable here.


Long hair is a great thing to like drawing. You should do more of it.

Nate Wright Jr.

This is a really good one. The gaze is inviting, the colors are warm, and you did an AMAZING job on the hair.

laurelshelleyreuss (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-07 17:50:49 Thank you <3, I was really happy with how she turned out!
2021-04-30 16:18:23 Thank you <3, I was really happy with how she turned out!

Thank you <3, I was really happy with how she turned out!

Michael Zemancik

While I would’ve liked to have seen Samurai, I do admit to having a soft spot (well, more a hard on) for redheads.