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Poor Thief.  If she wrote it down, it clearly belongs to her.

Check out handbookofheroes.com tomorrow for the full post!




I know that feeling, both Thief's and Wizard's,


The party loot sheet? Of course! I keep everything right here, neatly organized under the “inventory” section of my own character sheet, so I can be sure I never forget anything.

Thomas Fowler

A mate of mine told me a story of a game he played before we met. He was playing a halfling Samwise knockoff and he had a pony. He agreed to let the party use the pony to carry all the loot so they wouldn't have to carry it themselves. At the end of the campaign, the party disbanded and went their seperate ways. they didn't notice until much later that samwise had taken the pony, and all the loot with him.

Robbert Raets

"Nobby, your 'kit' at the time consisted of three warehouses..."

Randall Norman Pick

Do you really want to see the party loot sheet or see the one Thief keeps for the DM? On a side note, people don't let me be the banker in Monopoly.