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You know how Femme-Fighter and Ranger are preparing to compete on "The Games of Chaos?" Turns out it's a couples game show. We're planning for multiple competitors, but this poll will guarantee a spot for your favorites in our next "Handbook of Erotic Fantasy" arc.



Paladin/Necromancer would be interesting. Second would be Wizard/Rogue since this is Fem Fighter. I love Magus/Inquisitor but it might be more interesting if they stayed back this time.

Randall Norman Pick

Ooh. I went Paladin/Necromancer only because Elf Princess trying and failing to make the cut is slightly funnier.

Robbert Raets

I bet Swash & Buckle get disqualified _immediately_ for 'testing how sturdy this podium is'...

Michael Brost

I admit, I am intrigued on what happens with Goldie/Mr. Stabby in a HEF comic. But if anybody can do it, its the Games of Chaos!


I kind of feel like Elf Princess deserves the win at this point. But the implications, though. Maybe someone can polymorph Horsepower? Because he deserves it too.

Sigurður Steinn Sveinsson

I sorta maybe would have liked to have pug and gunslinger as well(OTP for the win)


If Paladin/Necromancer makes it in, I hope they do well in spite of their differences. XD

Michael Zemancik

Damn, this is hard. Druid and AA are a really cute couple and I would love to see their relationship flourish. But Paladin and Necromancer have this wonderful sexual tension going (and I don’t honk we’ve seen as much interaction of late). Swash and Buckle feel very much good friends (with some casual sex) so it’s not a song romantically fulfilling (but still fun). Choices.


I won't say how many couples will be competing just yet, but chances are good that you'll get at least some of these!